@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Nous aimons que la pizza soit meilleure que le chant du chili, changez d’avis.

Nous aimons que la pizza soit meilleure que le chant du chili, changez d’avis.



  1. _Micheluzzo_

    Chili chant has less teeth ever since they removed the percussion hits from it a couple fee seasons ago.

  2. KittyPooDollFace

    I like pizza pepperoni mozzarella and anchovies

  3. THECapedCaper

    Are there people that actually like The Chili Chant more than Pizza Kids?

  4. GarretBarrett

    1000% agree. Love me some We Like Pizza!

  5. I like pizza with salami, extra cheese and ore-gah-no

  6. DontPokeTheCrab

    I like someone made it into a trading.card.

  7. Brokennutsack

    Pizza song tix – chili chant blows. While on the chant topic…. What happens after 13 scores? Johny Johny Johny Johny ?

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