@Canadiens de Montréal

Arber Xhekaj combat Austin Watson

Arber Xhekaj combat Austin Watson



  1. Booyacaja

    How many people are gonna find out?

  2. RoboticAnatomy

    Atta Boy Xhekaj!!!!! Not a dirty hit, but I’m very glad Arber fought him *immediately*, and that Dach got right back up. X is a machine, and I for one welcome our new robot overlord.

  3. Xhekaj looks so strong physically. Say what you want about Watson’s fighting ability, he’s still a 6’4 enforcer and he put him down pretty easily.

  4. djohnston02

    Our boy is going to fight the whole Sens roster by season’s end.

    Going 23-0

  5. janedoe514

    Dumps Stutzle and defends Dach. Habs legend in my book

  6. RoosterXV

    Let’s put aside the discussion concerning concussions, how safe is it for a guy to fight every 1-2 games? I know he is a beast but I’m worried for his poor knuckles

  7. puckwhore

    At this point he’s gotta make the team, right? He’s been everywhere, fights and scoresheet. Here he is fighting a guy with 47 career NHL fights and doing great. Dude is fearless and lives up to it and I can’t get enough.

  8. That’s a full grown man he just beat down. X fucking gave it to him

  9. mojo_rasin

    Is this his third one against Ottawa this preseason.

  10. Dank_Bubu

    Xhekaj protects his teammates. In the roster you go

  11. MrSeanstopher

    Trying to figure out how Sens fans are gonna claim that Xhekaj lost this fight too

  12. BoysenberryAshamed59

    X doesn’t so much “play hockey” as he does “harvest souls”.

  13. Substantial_Humor562

    Xhekaj deserves a spot over Guhle. Change my mind.

  14. Goalchenyuk87

    We need to have this guy on the roster on opening day.

  15. AngryAssyrian

    Honestly Xhekaj and Guhle are the two prospects I’m most excited about this season, it’s good to see toughness in a defenceman like that at such a young age.

  16. stugots__

    Welcome to the Arbershop. We won’t cut your hair but we will put your head in the shop.

  17. KN1GH7F4LL

    Fucking bozo was trying his absolute hardest to hold on for dear life and not let him get a right off LOL, come on man if ur gonna act all tough and start a fight at least participate

  18. Reeeeaper

    Cue the cacophony of angry sense fans.

  19. kevin_yeah_that_one

    Hang the jersey. Legend.

  20. Percavic27

    Only person watson can beat up is his girlfriend. What a waste of space

  21. Neo_514

    Better make the team or he’s going straight to UFC

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