@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Le critique des Oilers Big-time Oilers prédit la victoire de la Coupe Stanley pour l’équipe » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans Jake Virtanen se faire couper, la prédiction de Greg Wyshynski selon laquelle les Oilers gagneront la Coupe et les batailles du camp d’entraînement.


  1. So I always find it interesting when liberals only agree with court decisions when they serve their interests…

  2. You know you're my favorite two guys right the CUP coming back to Canada but not to Edmonton but to Calgary has a better team sorry again.

  3. Hi Bruce. A comment: I am frustrated with the NHL and their preseason. I feel they are making a huge mistake and missing a big opportunity to showcase future stars by not making Sportsnet televise the preseason games. For fans it might be the only time we get to see the prospects. But again we are talking about the NHL here so not many sharp knives in the drawers.

  4. Predicting avs to win or Tampa is not being realistic it’s being negative and pessimistic you old dinosaurs need to change your old mentality I enjoy the podcast but let’s have a winning attitude for a change

  5. Why do you think that's a reasonable position to hold re: Virtanen? He was ACQUITTED of those charges. In other words, there was not enough evidence to prove he was guilty. Do you not believe in the cornerstone of our legal system that someone is INNOCENT until proven guilty?

  6. I noticed that the canucks were keying in on Holloway …he got flattened a couple of times but he still remained pretty strong!…I think he’s better with drai tho!

  7. I watched broberg last night and I’m now more impressed with nemo!…at first I liked broberg better but nemo changed my mind …Murray is very quiet out there but looks pretty solid…demers brings some excitement but don’t know if he’s better then Murray!

  8. When are you idiots going to realize JP piece of shit nobody wants him he’s useless get rid of him

  9. I really like your podcast but I really disliked Bruce's take on the "uncontroversial" bit regarding Virtanen. The general public, let alone the oilers, shouldn't condemn an innocent man simply because a group of extremely vocal people perceive a controversy. The reality is, we have barrelled ahead with MeToo right into a growing boy/young man crisis, and if a man cleared of wrong doing can't be let off the hook, how on earth can the next generation of young men and hockey players succeed?

  10. If it’s not a home game called by Cam Moon or Jack Michaels with Bob Stauffer then I listen to the game on Oilers radio with these same guys and watch game on mute. Only challenge is getting timing right between action on tv and the call on radio.

  11. You guys lose your credibility when you say JP is a top 6 winger despite all the evidence.

  12. I couldn't disagree more about the length of the pre season. During the decade of darkness, I don't know if I could name the entire Oiler roster some years and now I can name most of the farm plus a handful of others coming up. It's great to be able to see some of these guys fight their way up and get a shot to play with the big boys and this is the perfect forum for it since the games don't matter. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'd watch pixilated coverage of their practices.

  13. That audio quality on the game last night was horrible. The game was unwatchable in my opinion. I just put on 630 Ched and went through the game that way.

  14. The Abbotsford game was about sturgeon. Sloppy play is gonna happen when the whole team goes fishing instead of skating the day before.

  15. Pretty interesting stats on Makar… I hope Neimelainen gets a chance to slow him down.

  16. I ask myself, who do I admire more for their courage and principle, Oilers management for standing up to the mob to give someone found not guilty a shot at a position, or someone bemoaning it as a PR problem… hm… tough one.

  17. I wouldn't mind seeing Jesse Pulberry on the 3rd line and Fogeleberry on the 4th. Even through Warrenberry wants more opportunity. Maybe Pulberry can't up his value in the 1st quarter and catch another gms eye.

  18. I think more people agree with me now about Nemo being better at this point, then Broberg. If Nemo doesn't get some reg season time to start now, …wow. It's way early to be deciding JP won't cut it here Imo. I'd want to see where he's at after 10 – 15 reg games. So far so good with the games, but given the latest loss, I'm amazed that hoards aren't screaming for everyone to be fired yet.)

  19. This preseason has shown Holloway might be too good for the AHL. It would be a waste if he started the year in the AHL. He should be in the Oilers top nine playing the PK and PP2.

  20. Can anybody help me with this question: why do some of the players have to go through waivers to be sent down to Bakersfield and others not? Is this age related? Thanks for any answers

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