@Golden Knights de Vegas

Demi-finales, Gm 6 : Golden Knights @ Canadiens 6/24/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Golden Knights de Vegas aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Congrats to the Habs and their fans. Your guys played a great series and had that spark we couldn't find. Good luck with TB/NYI.

  2. My wife, who is not a hockey fan, joined me and my kids jumping like crazy when this game was done. I have seen Montreal win 7 cups, but it is pure joy to be able to share this with my family.

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  8. Wow…..just …wow …especially on this special Day for all Quebecers …icing on the cake 🙂

  9. when the goalie turn his head to look martinez in the first goal. This is not a good sign of chemistry

  10. I think after game 1, Vegas got cocky. It's been an ongoing problem with them They're way too overconfident.

  11. Should've been the Avs vs the Habs. Avs would've won and then given us one of the best finals in years between the lightning and Avs. So much better than what we got..

  12. Do you have the 2021 hockey playoffs games bye all the rounds and other ones all the way until Stanley cup finals

  13. It is truly amazing that Lehkonen scored an over time winner to send his team to the Stanley Cup Finals, two years in a row for two different teams. Wow. Hockey is wild.

  14. On this day last year… It’s a day that we will never forget 💙🤍❤️

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