@Flames de Calgary

Sutter à propos de l’engagement de Weegar envers Calgary : « Il a le goût du jeu »

« Bon joueur. Bonne ville. Bonne équipe. »


  1. Love ya Darryl….when you say if you dont like it "leave". Damn . We gonna kick some ass this year hopefully….fingers crossed

  2. WHAAA?? 6.25 for Weegar?! That is a STEAL!!! A STEAL I TELL YA!! LFG!!! WEEGAR, FCUK YEAH!!

    I can't stop laughing that EDM's going to be paying their resident clown 9.25 right away 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. As an Oilers fan i have to say im a big admirer of Sutters talent! 🙂

    And even if it sounds weird, its good to see that Calgary survived the summer madness and came out even stronger in my opinion. You got to respect the other side of the BOA – the greatest rivalry in NHL right now! Cheering for the Oilers but good to see that the competition just gets better and better!

    Hockey wins.

    And last but not least – its about time that the Cup comes to Canada!

  4. Comedy Central, Trevor Noah, Kevin hart step aside will ya, comedy’s ultimate and undisputed king is in the house make way for the man the myth and the legend himself Darryl sutter

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