@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Derick Brassard et Mark Kastelic Disponibilité d’avant-match – 8 octobre 2022

Écoutez l’attaquant Derick Brassard s’adresser aux médias anglophones et francophones et Mark Kastelic s’adresser aux médias anglophones avant le dernier match préparatoire des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre Montréal à Bouctouche, au Nouveau-Brunswick, dans le cadre de Kraft Hockeyville. 0:00-1:33 Brassard Anglais 1:34-4:52 Brassard Français 4:53-8:24 Kastelic Anglais


  1. J'espère que Brassard va rester à Ottawa pour la saison ,
    Très généreux avec son entrevue avec les médias
    Idem pour Kastelic,. Gambrell doit partir

  2. Sign Brass already. He can do everything Gamby can do, while also having the added versatility to play higher up the line up in case of injuries.

  3. I don't normally care about PTOs. But I'd love to have this man as an extra/depth forward heading into the season. People keep saying, "Don't sign him. He's gonna take a roster spot away from one of the young guys." While I agree in theory, keep in mind; injuries WILL happen. I'd prefer to keep guys like Greig, Sokolov, Järventie, Boucher, Crookshank, etc. in the AHL, playing bigger minutes. So who exactly is he blocking?

    We'd have Watson, Kastelic, Gambrell, Kelly, and Brassard battling for fourth line minutes. Even without injuries, there's gonna be games where you substitute guys. Watson, Gambrell, or Kelly will be scratched certain games. Why not keep Brass around? If a top six gets injured, you'd expect to have Pinto or Joseph move up. So Brassard on the third line isn't a horrible idea. Or put him on the fourth, and move a fourth liner up to the third.

    Point is; having Brassard on the team doesn't hurt anyone. But it DOES help us when injuries happen – or God forbid another locker room COVID situation.

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