@Jets de Winnipeg

Réaction : Blake Wheeler démis de ses fonctions de capitaine des Jets de Winnipeg

Ken Wiebe de Sportsnet.ca @Kenny & Renny s’est joint à Andrew « Hustler » Paterson et a discuté de la décision des Jets de Winnipeg de retirer Blake Wheeler en tant que capitaine et d’entamer la saison avec une approche de leadership par comité. Diffusé à l’origine le 16 septembre 2022. Sujets : Réaction aux nouvelles (0:00) Le processus de prise de décision (3:25) Revenir après les rumeurs commerciales de l’été (9:20) Le statut de Wheeler sur la liste (13:30) Effet sur la liste (18:50) Opportunité pour d’autres joueurs de diriger (22:57) Mark Scheifele fera-t-il partie du groupe de leadership ? (25:29) Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily diffuse en semaine à 13 h CT sur YouTube et est disponible en podcast après l’émission. Cliquez sur le bouton J’aime et abonnez-vous à la chaîne si vous avez aimé cette vidéo. Suivez Andrew Paterson sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/hustlerama Suivez Ken Wiebe sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/wiebesworld Winnipeg Sports Talk Liens : Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3bboDpa Podcasts Apple : https://apple.co/30nIf3v Podcasts Google : https://bit.ly/387uTg1 Stitcher : https://bit.ly/2NR54df Site Web : http://www .winnipegsportstalk.com​​ Magasin : http://store.winnipegsportstalk.com Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Instagram : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg​​ ://www.instagram.com/sportstalkwpg​ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sportstalkwpg Devenez membre de notre chaîne ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEqYcU4IEXvfWt0vtGA_Cww/join


  1. I think it's a mistake to demote a captain and retain him on the team. Totally awkward situation, especially for the new leaders, that may impact on the results this season.

  2. Jets goons be fun to watch this year! Can’t wait for the season to start!

  3. I’ve always wondered why Blake Wheeler never smiles and he’s too serious

  4. I think wheels is a great guy that took the brunt of things. He’s captain and he should take a lot but 55 is a guy that seems to have walked away from this not only unscathed but is in the spotlight as though he is the new leader.

  5. This is great news to me as I got very bad vibes from Wheeler being a Jets fan,
    for his leadership role as Captain. Well Rick Bowness is the new boss in town,
    and Wheeler and Scheifele won't be running the team anymore, where they just
    stepped all over Maurice. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Bowness can
    do with this talented hockey club, that has underacheived. I've being saying for
    the last 2 years, first step to fix this club, is get rid of Wheeler, and because they
    couldn't trade him, they did the next best thing for now. I believe he was the cancer
    in the dressing room, so I hope to see a new invigorated team. I'm sure Wheeler
    won't be a problem in his "new role" and he'll be a good 2nd line player the Jets
    can use, because he's still pretty good, just not worth the $ 8 mil he gets.

  6. I've got to be honest, I'm having a very hard time listening to Ken speak. I find him to be unwilling to admit glaring issues, unwilling to name names, he talks in extremes, and minimizes issues with this team and its players. Thank you Hustler for pushing back like you did so often! Keep that up!

  7. Topics:

    Reaction to the news (0:00)

    The decision making process (3:25)

    Coming back after the summer's trade rumors (9:20)

    Wheeler's status on the roster (13:30)

    Effect on the roster (18:50)

    Opportunity for other players to lead (22:57)

    Will Mark Scheifele be part of the leadership group? (25:29)

  8. Blake's time as a Jet is nearing its end. Been here since day 1. Last remaining thrasher. It's weird to me they didn't wait until Blake's tracksuit was thrown in the shower.

  9. Nobody on social media with a brain said anything wiebe thinks they did

  10. Over 3 years Byfuglien, Trouba, Charot, Myers replaced with Pionk, DeMello, Schmidt and, ultimately, Dillon. Wheeler isn't the problem in Winnipeg, expectation is the problem in Winnipeg. Also glad Winnipeg is the one team that no longer needs an agitator or a tough guy. Good for them! Change the game from outside the playoffs. 2022 Jets…moving further and further from 2018.

  11. It’s a shake up well past due. Correct or not it needed to be done. Obviously a stagnant room. Make who ever it is earn it. As far as 55, is he a professional hockey player or an emotional teenager? Start the year with no letters.
    Bonus has guys in mind, he said as much.

  12. I am agreeing with Ken on many of the topics he has spoken to. I especially like the respectful tone regarding Wheeler…I am a huge fan of Blake Wheeler. I have wondered since last year how well Wheeler recovered from Covid. I thought he struggled when he came back with lung capacity. I worried about him and nobody seemed to think anything of that.

  13. The only reason he's still on the team is no one wanted to take on his remaining contract. 2 years at 8 mill per year.

  14. So?
    If we peel the layers off the Onion to get down to the core of the issue… it seems to make sense now that P.M. walked away because he didn't want to (or have the backbone) to strip the C off of "his guy" (my Captain) for the sake of the team having a "new voice" (as P.M put is as he walked out of the door). Seems that P.M. could (according to him) make a grown man cry but didn't want to be the Ogre to do so.

    I would rather see Wheels as the Captain than Scheifele. Mark needs to first learn to stop whining to the refs over every call (or missed call – according to his perspective of things) before he can EVER have the hope of wearing a "C" on "ANY" team. IMHO – Blake has lost a step but not the heart.

  15. Scheifele has to have a good year before the Jets really decide. He can keep the 'A' for this year, but…he's on 'trial'. I mean he's a terrible two way centre.
    I don't think Ken's final analysis is correct. I can't see Mark improve that much (unfortunately). Offensively, very good, defensively, not good! Dubois is an even bigger cry baby than 55! And, that's really bad. I think Wheeler is not the main issue…however, him losing the captaincy is probably a blessing is disguise for him.

  16. Wheeler only there, because no one else wants that contract. Scheifele only there because Dubois won't commit long term. Neither player are built for a Bowness defense style system. Until those two are gone, nothing will change.

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