@Bruins de Boston

Le retour des Bruins de David Krejci? & Qu’est-ce que Boston peut apprendre des Rangers ? | Pique l’ours

Conor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal et Evan Marinofsky de Turner Sports discutent de la récente vidéo Instagram de David Pastrnak avec David Krejci jouant avec un retour potentiel chez les Bruins. Les gars abordent également ce que les Bruins peuvent apprendre des Rangers et de l’avenir de Jack Studnicka à Boston. Poke The Bear avec Conor Ryan Ep. 98 ————————————————- ————————————————– ——————————— Bienvenue sur la chaîne YouTube du #CLNS Media Network pour le hockey des #Bruins de Boston. CLNS Media est le principal fournisseur en ligne de couverture audio/vidéo des sports de Boston. Obtenez un accès intérieur complet aux Bruins au TD Garden, aux patins du jour du match au Warrior et partout sur la route. Les initiés accrédités de CLNS #NHLBruins Mike « Trags » Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Sierra Goodwill et Connor Ryan du Boston Sports Journal. Fournir des nouvelles et des analyses instantanées en temps réel, ainsi qu’un accès complet aux vidéos complètes des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des propriétaires et de tous les autres sur Causeway Street. Pour les Celtics, les Patriots, les Red Sox, les College Hoops, l’histoire de la NBA primés par le CLNS, rendez-vous ici pour les chaînes en vedette – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiP7KyKodc3OHuN_XhEyPPw?sub_confirmation=1


  1. Bergeron and Krejci must be talking to each other because why would he come back if Bergy is leaving. If he retires,the Bruins are gonna have to rebuild and Krejci doesn’t fit at all. If he stays, maybe he might come back to take one last shot at the cup,but there is still many pieces to fix before that happens but it’s a start.

  2. If Krejci returns,,,then I believe Bergeron returns….if this happens and the Bruins acquire a legit forward (or 2) with offensive ability…like Vatrano / Kopp / Paul / Hegal / Rackell…and another sturdy defenseman (or 2)….then I believe that the Bruins can compete for a Cup next year…

  3. My Pitch: by Terry 😉

    U have Lindholm and Mac starting 8yr contacts. Only 3.2M left.
    U offer sheet Bergeron for 2yr 5M.
    U trade Carlo to Kracken for Dunn
    Two D similar but Dunn shoots the puck more. Problem is that Dunn would need resign after coming season. Sure they could get him resigned. This would fill Carlo spot and give them cap room. Maybe Debrusk part of it to bring back Eberle with him. But of not. U use Debrusk and picks and prospect to bring Mark Scheifele. Now you have a great D with huge frame and good shot. A for sure long term center who could play 1st or 2nd line. Cap room for Bergeron. If Berg retires than Scheifele is tip line Center. I believe Lysell will be good enough to make cut. He plays second line with Haula and Hall. Also, believe it or not, I think Beecher is gonna make the cut. He can start 4th line Center and see if he can get up to second line Center. The kid is 21. 22 by season at some point. It's time to push that kid and see if he's good enough. They wouldn't pat him make rookie contact at NHL level if they didn't think they should take a chance on him.

  4. Im guessing Bergeron comes back, first healthy off season in years, he will get the itch, he was born to play hockey, and Hockey he will play !!

  5. Bergy and Krejci wound be nuts to come back knowing what we know about Marchy, Gryz and McAvoy. Would love them back but it’s about that time to blow this thing up for a rebuild and/or retool. Having these 2 back might be enough to keep our heads above water until the injured come back.

  6. I think we should put the brakes on regarding DK. His return, as much as I'd like it, especially to reawaken Hall, is purely speculative at this point. With what we've seen of his alleged vision of the Bruins, I don't have faith in Sweeney to manouver any situation regarding them, let alone this one. Here's how he'll solve the top pairing with Lindholm: promote Jack Achan there. Done. He doesn't fashion rosters that have an identity. Sweeney creates rosters full of question marks. Evan nailed it. The core of the Rangers didn't change but the surrounding pieces did. Including adding some toughness and grit. Boston's core is solid in McAvoy, Swayman and Ullmark, Lindholm, Hall, Pasta and hopefully Bergeron. Sweeney, take note.

  7. Been saying this since the start of last year. Team is too Soft, it’s ok to say it people, see what it takes to pull Soucy out of SEA not Dunn, get rid of Carlo & Gryz. Use Brown on 3rd pair so you have some Balls back there, don’t need Lindholm getting the Sedin treatment, and go get Deslaurier up front, will you win a Cup idk if Krejci returns and Either Debrusk stays or you get something close to a fair return for him you may get lucky but idk, look at The final 4 teams and It looks bleak unless the team is Healthy

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