@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Conversation en trois temps avec les Maple Leafs de Toronto

Auston Matthews, Jack Campbell et Jason Spezza rejoignent Mark Fraser alors qu’ils s’assoient pour découvrir une partie de la culture de Wayne Simmonds à travers la nourriture tout en apprenant les expériences individuelles de chacun sur et hors de la glace. ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://tml.hockey/3FvgtoG SUIVEZ-NOUS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/torontomapleleafs/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mapleleafs/ Twitter : https://twitter.com /MapleLeafs #Leafs #LeafsForever


  1. Geez time flys! It just seems like yesterday that i was watching Jason Spezza play for the Windsor Spitfires back in the early 2000’s at the old Windsor Barn downtown by the river & now he’s in his 19th NHL season.

  2. Being raised in Toronto and growing up watching the Leafs. Having Jamaican parents that saw hockey, and got me into the sport. This has been a long time coming. Good on Sims, Spezza , Soups , Fraser and Papi for sharing. Well done Maple Leafs for moving forward.👍👍👍👍

  3. Sorry Austin but I like the dress code. You boys looked like amateurs when you started wearing t- shirts to the rink. Dress like you can afford to dress nice.

  4. When Wayne Simmonds was on other teams I didn’t like him but now he’s on our squad and I know him I really like his personality and the way he plays.

  5. I LOVED this ! Such a great conversation and the food looked delicious. Mark Fraser is a wonderful host and I enjoyed hearing the different stories of each person, its definitely a conversation that needs to keep going and people need to realise, we are all the same…treat people with kindness, always.

  6. Great way to let us in on getting to know our players better. Would love to hear their comments on how they liked the process. Hope there are more of these to come…Great job guys.

  7. Great idea Mark! More content like this please! What a great way to get to know the boys better on a deeper level. I love that the Leafs are always finding new ways to connect to the fans.

  8. I loved Mark Fraser when he played with the Leafs, tough defenseman and never turned down a scrap. This is a great feature …..

  9. I wish we got Wayne years ago, as a Toronto born guy myself. But it’s such a blessing to have guys like him and spezz that can provide leadership for the boys. Also I feel we will win a round this year with this group. We just need to BeLeaf!

  10. Just wanna hug Soupie; such a genuine guy.

    But wholly fake, this show was a revelation! I thought I was going to watch the usual safe banter but this went somewhere awesome

  11. Jack was obviously trying to be polite claiming a 2 dollar Jamaican beef patty is “way better” than chicken pot pie. He should be spending more time with the Leafs goaltending coach or psychologist to help fix the 5+ goals per game issue.

  12. Great work, Fraser. Keep these ideas coming. Something fresh and new that the Leafs are leading the way in

  13. This team needs Spez as much as Matthews, such a glue guy. You can see why everyone loves him in the room

  14. I was glued to my computer watching this and I hope there's more to come. Some great athlete's not on the ice but hanging out. Every one of these guys comes across as 100% authentic and that's what makes the video stand out. The other stuff like getting two guys in a room and playing a sort of trivia game shows us the guys as they are off the ice. Love it , love it , love it !

  15. As a long time Ottawa Senators fan i am finding it hard to cheer against this group. They seem to be a bunch of good guys. Good luck in the Playoffs this year , hopefully in the future Ottawa can get there and compete with you

  16. Great video. Top guys in that room, too. As a black hockey player, does Wayne also see the diversity in the league? Surely Austin would have had to show resilience as a young Mexican from Arizona? Or the more recent rise of the Asian players? In today's political climate I imagine the Russian players would also be feeling a sense of condemnation? Tough stuff. But as long as you guys are talking and understanding of the individuals on your team and work together as a collective team, it makes the world a better place.

  17. Was alright until Fraser brought up BLM. At this point they’ve been exposed several times over as a political organization who hasn’t used any of their millions to help black communities. Talk to black folk and they’re some of their biggest critics. And that’s not even factoring in the murders, looting and riots.

  18. I'm so tired of BLM only because the people who started it are crooks and they have no empathy for what they're saying so I wish BLM was as real for the statement for the so called owners of the slogan

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