@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Répartition de la composition de la saison régulière des Maple Leafs de Toronto 2022-2023

Steve Dangle partage ses réflexions sur la formation des Maple Leafs de Toronto à l’approche de la saison 2022-23 de la LNH. Que pensez-vous de la programmation du jour 1 ? COMMANDITAIRE : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 CAMEO : https://www.cameo.com/stevedangle LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya SCEAU DE PÂQUES : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug


  1. Sweden tuning in, Steve!

    Love and admire Your passion and therefor I've been a fan of Yours for years. Good luck this dawning season and stay sane, my man!

  2. Can't wait for Wednesday for leafs to beat the habs! Lose for Bedard let's go! Lol

  3. feels like ZAR-Kampf-NAK is a lock for one line. been that way all of camp so i'd be shocked if it changes opening night

  4. Steve, glad to see you are geared up for another season. I enjoy your content and can still remember when you were a regular caller on After The Game with Andy Frost.

  5. Steve no disrespect, I think you missed the mark on the lineup projections. Leafs have been telegraphing pretty clearly who's been lining up on which line throughout camp, and it's pretty obvious the middle 6 is malgin/robertson-tavares-nylander
    foot-krok-vall, with both robertson and malign playing while nylander is out. They've been using these lineups frequently so it's something that should've been picked up. Great preview otherwise!! GOLEAFSGO

  6. I went to that Wings game in Detroit, and some jerk said, "How's it feel to be a loser?" as I was walking out alone. I DON'T KNOW BUD, HOW'S IT FEEEEEL!?!?!?

  7. Steve! New room, new ideas, new man. Lol, and nothing is changing. Toronto will not get past 1st round. Sorry Steve that's just life, also Avs will win Stanley Cup again. Hi producer Drew

  8. 1:58

    Steve: the baseball playoffs are still going on… for some people…is it too soon?

    Me: laughs in Mariners fan

  9. LOVE THE NEW ROOM! This is my first year I’ll be watching every Leafs game. So Now as a full time Leafs fan and Bruins & Blues fan, I am a living self hating fan… so I fit in right? I’ve been a jays fan forever so ya… PAINNN Let’s live In it LMAO

  10. Nice new room. A new house is always exciting…but there's usually a reason for moving….
    🍼👶#2? That's my guess. 😀

  11. I think that is a great call for Clifford! Being the Marlies Captain and someone who can provide some toughness for the Leafs!!!

  12. Maybe the Jays blowing a 8-1 lead will help lift the curse on the Leafs? Right, please tell me im right, we have suffered for how long.

  13. Last time I seen you were legit losing your voice. You’re looking great btw.

  14. Is that about to fall off?

    (Falls off the wall onto the floor)

    Sighs. It’s new.

    Bahahahaha. Steve. You rock buddy lol.

  15. What’s more sad about the simmonds situation is o remember when he first came to the Leafs. He said he was on the ice with the jersey on and he could see himself off the glass. One of his proudest moments. Of not being a leaf soon. I hope a team takes him up to continue to finish off hos contract before retiring. It was a pleasure to have the Wayne Train on tue Leafs tue past couple yrs. Need more peopl like him on the team or even in hockey in general. Seems like a very very classy guy. And I bet he’s hurting a bit this situation is happening. Should be retiring a Leaf imho.

  16. the empty picturing frame didn't distract me. But the uneven lighting between the left and right of the wall did however

  17. Bunting-Matthews-Marner



  18. I’m ready for another season LFR!!!! The new blue room is in progress but when it’s done it’ll be Bussin!!!

  19. Of all the awesomeness that it is to see Steve back (even if he still follows tbose damn Leafs) the only question I walked away with is…. Steve has a tattoo?

  20. As a Bolt Fan…I LOVE your displaced optimism. Everyone outside of Toronto LOL's a it. We especially can't wait until the Leaf's win the Presidents Trophy…and still can't get out of the first round. Again. Everyone knows that you're screwed…except for you (Leaf Fan). LOL!

  21. TIL Steve Dangle lives in Oshawa just like me! Maybe I'll see ya @ the mall one day Steve!

  22. Lets just hope they dont face a 42 yr old Zamboni driver that works for them and get a bye into the 2nd round.

  23. How delusional do you have to be to think the Leafs are even contenders for the presidents trophy with their goaltending? It's a level of narcissism, hubris, and stupidity that I haven't seen since last season! lol

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