@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Rangers de New York @ Penguins de Pittsburgh. Tour 1 Jeu 1

13.04.2016 Séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley, première ronde Je ne possède aucune des images. Tous les droits sont réservés.


  1. Zakoff is a pretty good goalie, and nobody likes NY in these comments… ( I don’t either )

  2. It took the pens 3 times to beat the rangers in the playoff series then it took the capitals 3 times to beat the penguins in a playoff series. What are the odds of that happening.

  3. dead fucking serious when I say this shit it’s disrespectful to talk and sing the anthem when someone else is singing it I find that vary disrespectful

  4. It’s awesome seeing the crowd cheer so much for Zatkoff, even on routine saves early. I’m sure they really inspired him! Thank you for posting these games, this is wonderful to look back on

  5. Jeff Zatkoff is the unsung hero of the 2016 playoff run. He played fantastic in game 1, which got the Penguins off on the right foot. Even though he lost game 2, he held the fort for at least a spilt until Murray came back in the fold for game 3, and the rest is history after that.

  6. I admire the guy who took the hockey stick to the eye and still went out to play even though the penguins got a goal off it u gotta wonder though if that played a roll in the penguins winning this first game

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