@Blackhawks de Chicago

Décomposer les commentaires du propriétaire des Blackhawks de Chicago, Rocky Wirtz | SDP

Steve, Jesse et Adam partagent leurs réflexions sur les commentaires du propriétaire des Blackhawks de Chicago, Rocky Wirtz, concernant la couverture de la plage de Kyle et ce que l’équipe fait pour s’assurer que cela ne se reproduise plus jamais. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Nous avons rejoint The Athletic et vous le pouvez aussi ! Cliquez sur le lien pour vous abonner : https://theathletic.com/sdp Visitez les sponsors de cet épisode : Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @Steve_Dangle, @AdamWylde et @JesseBlake Suivez-nous sur Instagram : @SteveDangle, @AdamWylde et @Jesse.Blake


  1. So does that meen the leafs cups have an asterisk from the guy who was molesting kids at the gardens back in the day? Kyle beach is a what a 6'1 210 lbs kid back then? And let of all people the video coach rape him?!?! Lol cmon!!! He obviously wanted it

  2. i dont understand the tarnish on the syanleu cup 2010… they did not cheat, yes what happened was f'uped but… they didnt cheat why should it be tarnished makes no fckn sence at all

  3. I can’t even look at blackhawks jersey without getting pissed off. Worst cup team ever

  4. Oh. And obviously the hawks organization has done something right…3 cups…how does the leafs organization compare to that?

  5. See. It's even more of a shame now that the Flyers didn't win the cup in 2010. Who knows, if the Hawks lost maybe this situation would've came to light earlier.

  6. The Blackhawks settled with Kyle Beach and were fined by the NHL. They've been reprimanded and settled with the victim. What more do you want from the organization? You're owed nothing from them. Dont like his response? Stop going to the games and buying their gear. Otherwise stfu and move on. God I hate how politically correct Canada is. Word police…

  7. Disgusting. And honestly, frightening that this rich white man thinks he can buy anything and erase any wrongdoing as if he somehow atoned for the organization's fuckup by paying money. And there are so many of such rich assholes.

  8. While I have no doubt that the Jenner and Block investigation found no evidence that the Wirtz' didn't know about the sexual assault of Kyle Beach, it required a bit of "benefit of the doubt" on my part to believe that. I have less confidence in that finding today. I remember how quickly Rocky Wirtz was to highlight that they didn't know when the report was made public. We were left to believe that 'Oh, had we known about this at the time, we would have done the right thing'. Yeah, I may have been born at night, but not last night. This 'outburst' solidly connects the Wirtz family to the worst of this now, something they were able to side step before. Unforced Error? Own Goal.

  9. People need to understand the politics at play as well. Just because Danny didn't do what you think he should have in that situation with no understanding of everything else involved, doesn't mean he shouldn't take over from his father

  10. This is ugly. How could ANY franchise in any Professional Sport not be prepared to answer controversial or painful questions in today’s 24/7/365 media ???
    Rocky Wirtz replaced his Father and set as a priority for the organization to repair the relationship with long time fans and former players. He was “the front man”, communicating that the fans and The Stanley Cup were more important than company profits. Building a club and during a Stanley Cup winner

  11. Rocky kept saying “his company” in the tantrum at Mark Lazerus. Maybe that’s technically true due to his unearned inheritance, but it’s CHICAGO’s team and it was there before the Wirtz Dynasty. Rocky must go and give the city back its club.

  12. 05:00

    Take away the name from the Blackhawks and leave the player names stand. plus remove every executive, who was present at the particular meeting, in which they told him to shut up in order to not distract the other players and coaches from bringing the first cup to chicago!

    its that simple… Maybe Keith comes away with this, but he the only player from the roster, who looked and talked suspicious to me…

    But you would harm many individual carrers partly, some even entirely i guess. And there are quiet possible some innocent. Who could have know, but cant be blaimed. We will never know, who knew what and when…

    But Wirtz hast to go, Bowman and Q, too.

  13. Reading Gary's comments at the All Star game press conference makes me even more mad.

  14. Does anyone of you know, how many Kyle got? I have a feeling and cant find a number in the german media… and dont know, who to trust 😀

  15. Steve is right, he's nothing more than a spoiled brat who just happened to be old and rich and he's throwing a temper tantrum because throwing money at a problem didn't make it go away like he expected.

  16. Weird rich people non stop covering sexual abuse and getting away with it. Even worse they are all angry when it comes out like they are a victim in it also.

  17. Steve's rant on this is seriously one of Steve's best moments in the History of the Podcast. Lets get That clip.

  18. Get steve’s next clip up. That clip is exactly what hockey media needs. Your network is quickly becoming the standard of what hockey media should be. For everyone like hockey should be.

  19. He's an owner…maybe he needs to sell the team…but you act like he's a GM or coach…he's not gonna just step down.

  20. Blah blah blah. Do you know how ridiculous the three of you sound? Sure, let’s take the 2010 Cup away from the Blackhawks. How about the 2013 and 2015 cups as well. Why not? While we are at it, let’s take the Leafs cup away because of what the usher did at Maple Leaf Gardens. Oh sorry, they have not won any cups lately. Also, let’s take the World Series away from the Houston Astros who actually cheated on the field. While we are on baseball, what about all the home run hitters on steroids? How about Roberto Alomar. Should we take away a Jays World Series. How about one or two Super Bowls from the New England Patriots for under inflating game used footballs. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Just like the three of you sound.

  21. The original question to Rocky Wirtz was a softball question. A chance for good PR showing that the team cares and is taking steps to make it better.

    He didn't see it as a opportunity for good PR. Didn't even think that way at all. He felt attacked by this question.

    Basically every one watching this heard "How dare you not let me sweep this under the rug. Sweeping this under the rug is what we wanted to do all along. We have no interest in making this problem better. We never did, and we still don't. We just want it to go away. We want everyone to act like it never happened. I am so pissed you won't just ignore the problem like I do!!"

    This is evil. This is evil thinking, and action by Rocky Wirtz.

  22. Rocky Wirtz is a dinosaur and needs to go. As a Hawks fan, I an totally embarrassed by how this has all been handled. This once proud team is in shambles. He needs to go and allow Danny to take over 100%. But his bloated ego won’t let him. It will be the downfall of the team.

  23. Why cut it off before Steve talks about why no one reported the incidents to Rocky Wirtz? It was serious catharsis for those really frustrated with what happened.

  24. This level of virtue signaling is beyond me. How long does he talk about it. He didn’t violate anyone ? How long do you want to feel better about yourself by crucifying an entire organization for the actions of a few people. Get off your high horse and grow the up.

  25. Settlements are done. Now of course more lawsuits are coming. The blackhawks are cash grab for everyone now. This predator ruined an entire franchise. Remember the predator. Stop trying to kill everyone else when they didn’t do anything. This is getting seriously dumb.

  26. lmao this Rocky fella seems like a real standup guy.. albeit a bit “pissy”

  27. As a blackhawks fan, Rocky Wirtz exemplifies the failure of hockey culture as a whole to deal with these issues. It’s embarrassing to think that this organization was known as one of the “classier” organizations just a few years ago.

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