@Flames de Calgary

Aucun capitaine à nommer cette saison… pour le moment

Aucun capitaine à nommer cette saison… pour le moment



  1. Idk Dad Darryl seems like the clear-cut Captain himself 🥵🥵

  2. Itwasinin04

    Darryl would say the same thing even if a captain was picked and the announcement was set for later today, he doesn’t give the media anything lol. I still think we’ll get an announcement soon.

  3. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    Was this quote from today or earlier? Because I know he said something like this in July but did he say this again now?

  4. dingleberry314

    No way, you mean all those no name twitter accounts were just making shit up??

  5. dr_soiledpants

    Why do people keep asking this question? A captain will be named whenever he decides to. Get over it already. Has no effect on how the team performs.

  6. Melodic-Bug-9022

    TWC making shit up? I’m utterly shocked.

  7. sdenoon

    What’s the deal with Flames twitter outside of the actual credentialed media members? It seems to be a bunch of fanboys who talk like 15 year olds and spam rumors into the Twitterverse but have enough of a following that they get traction.

  8. scallionoverdose

    This is the correct approach and he’s right. Why add pressure to players unnecessarily just for a media talking point if you feel there is no clear cut?
    There is no deficiency in leadership on the team.

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