@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Scott Wheeler on Twitter] Wheeler est Tuomaala. Ouf.

[Scott Wheeler on Twitter] Wheeler est Tuomaala. Ouf.



  1. FlyersLaForest

    Boy I sure don’t like to hear that

  2. EverybodyHits

    I have a multireddit for all Philly sports subs, and today was not the day to have « Wheeler » and « oof » on the feed

  3. GravyboatCaptn

    Fletcher utterly botched his development by letting him rot in the AHL without any gametime.

    This is literally all on him.

  4. DH28Hockey

    Tuomaala 1 pick before Stankoven is easily the 2nd worst pick we’ve made in recent memory behind Jay O’Brien (I’ll still chalk up Patrick as bad luck above all else)

  5. TwoForHawat

    Is this why Fletcher trades away all of our second round picks? Because he knows he’ll just waste them on players who will be an empty shell of themselves within two years?

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