@Flames de Calgary

Faits saillants de la LNH | Golden Knights contre Flames – 9 février 2022

Jacob Markstrom a effectué 28 arrêts pour le jeu blanc et Mikael Backlund a récolté quatre points alors que les Flames de Calgary ont blanchi les Golden Knights de Vegas 6-0.


  1. Outstanding game Calgary!!

    Really Matthew?.. Not just a goal but, a nifty one @ that!!.. 🦅

  2. I went to bed early, and it looks like I missed a gooder. Absolutely dominant showing from the Flam, what's up, Eichel? EatBread and Backlund flying out there and Marky with another shutty. He legit has a shot at Tony's record imo, and will most certainly beat Kipper's. Love seeing this team do well 🔥

  3. А не надо было Вегасу Мироманова из состава убирать, хороший защитник

  4. Вот это дали прикурить рыцарям огоньки из Калгари, 6:0 это дорогого стоит. Уважения к Вегосу, но увы не в этот раз. Набирает Калгари обороты, летят в плей-офф, главное мимо не пролететь. С победой 🏒

  5. Браво, Калгари, с победой ! Вы просто разгромили Вегас ! С победой в сушую !

  6. What the hell is this image quality? Looks like an upscaled game from the 80s…

  7. Dam Calgary use be showing Edmonton how it's done 👍🏼🤠🇨🇦 noice keep up the amazing hockey 👍🏼🤠🇨🇦

  8. Great win but it's clear that Vegas wasn't ready.
    The true measurement would be getting a win in Vegas.

  9. Покажите это видео бездарному овечкину – пусть поучится играть в Хоккей у Великих Канадских , Шведских и Финнских игроков!

  10. What did the flames change for this year?
    They were such garbage last year….

  11. The flames with a destructive, annihilation of the golden toilets

  12. I’m not a flames fan at all, but you gotta hand it to them for an impressive win. Oilers are you watching?

  13. Шайба Ткачака шедевральна!!! Калгари сегодня покуражились. Надеюсь, сумеют продолжить в таком духе и пошумят в плей-офф

  14. My friggin Oilers got killed by GV a couple of days ago and lose to Chicago last night and here the Flames decimate GV. That damm all star game break killed our momentum !

  15. Reminds me of the 2003/4 run when we had Sutter as the coach and Kiprusoff as the goalie. Now Flames still have Sutter as a coach and now Markstrom as the goalie, who has 8 shut outs. Could the Flames repeat the 2003/4 run and could the red mile be back? Go Flames Go!

  16. Tchuck – does he look a lot like some Starlord dude? or the guy who fights dinosaurs?

  17. Nucks fan here……. Marky is super-duper! One of the best in the NHL. We don't miss him b/c Demko is as good and cheaper.

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