@Predators de Nashville

Étoiles @ Prédateurs 10/13 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Stars de Dallas aux Predators de Nashville


  1. Wow! Nice start to the season, Stars! What a debut for Mason Marchment as well as for the teenager, Wyatt Johnston!

  2. So glad Bowness and dump and chase hockey is gone. He would have had Dallas go into a defensive shell after going up 1-0. And we would have been outshot by 30.

  3. I was at the game tonight and one thing I noticed was that the puck was extremely bouncy. Like crazy amounts of bouncing

  4. Good first game. But all it takes is a bad last game and it’s all for nothing so…

  5. I'm all for equal opportunity but this lady just doesn't have the right voice quality for this kind of job. It's very unpleasant to listen to. I feel like my ears were penetrated.

  6. Just stop it. NOBODY likes the female announcer. It’s annoying. You don’t have to try to look all inclusive by making sure you have a female announcer. Just stop

  7. I would enjoy these highlights so much more if they weren’t provided by ESPN + and by the home tv crews instead.

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