@Stars de Dallas

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  1. BennBishop

    « I like where our team is at » -Jim Nill

  2. rwhockey29

    – Jim Nill once again showing why he is such a good GM. He’s absolutely nailed the draft in recent years, and our trades/FA signings have been great as well.

    – Leah Hextall is decently knowledgeable about hockey, but I cannot stand her voice.

    – 1 game in and there’s a noticeable difference in this team vs last year.

    – digital ads suck ass. Ours didn’t bug out as bad as others but even for someone who’s been playing 20+ years it’s extremely distracting. Couldn’t get the game on hulu, so now we need at least TWO PAID streaming services to watch games? I’ll keep sailing the seas until the NHL makes it less of a hassle.

  3. Davey_the_Great

    So awesome to see the new blood get points!

    Marchment – 2 G

    Lundkvist – 1 A

    Johnston – 1 G

  4. Lightzephyrx

    Did get a chance to watch last night but just finished the recap on YouTube. Holy shit boys gunna be a fun year!

  5. scoutcjustice

    Well the first game went about as well as one could hope for. The new faces produced well, it was a great start for Seguin who the Stars need to rebound if they hope to be a contender. The team seemed more effective at transitioning the puck forward with possession. I think DeBoer balanced ice time well, all the forwards were between 11-17 minutes played (Benn was actually the lowest TOI at 11:20, which is interesting) and all the defensemen played at least 15 minutes. The only TOI figure that really sticks out was Miro, who played a whopping 26:53, but like, if you’ve got Miro, you play Miro. The ability to roll lines and pairs (while also riding Miro) will be good for this team going forward.

    I think the only quibble I had is the Suter-Hakanpaa pair, which was used as the 2nd pair, struggled at times. I’d like to see that pair used more like a bottom pair and bring Lundkvist’s ice time up a bit.

  6. Duhstee

    Great game last night. Marchment made himself known and hope he continues to flourish. Johnston broke the seal and he will have many more to come.

  7. ViewFrom30kFeet

    Such a great morning waking up to my incredible hockey team swimming in my mind.

  8. gentleman_bronco

    Yo!!! So happy we got the first W of the year. It was a really fantastic game for us. The NOTICABLE difference for me was the deployment of players versus last year. With the eye check, it seemed to be a much more balanced amount of time given to each player. So this morning I did a quick check on the box score versus the last time we played Nashville. I may edit a table into this comment if I get a few minutes later today because it really paints a picture. It isn’t exactly apples to apples because Miro was out with mono and Bones wanted Petey to « rest » because he was « seeing too much action ».

    For forwards, in the previous game (last year) against Nashville on March 3 2022, Robo skated for 21:08 as the most TOI for a forward, and last night he was still our highest TOI with 16:42. Last year, four forwards skated more that 16:42 ( HIntz @ 19:01, Seguin @ 17:51, & Pavs @ 17:29). The next highest skater last year was Jamie Benn with 15:32. Last night he was on the ice for 11:20. Last year’s least TOI was Riley Tufte with 9:25. Even our least deployed forward had two full minutes more than last years’ least deployed. The difference between the top minutes and bottom minutes were 11;43 last year and 5:22 this year.


    The defenseman group is more painful to recognize. Last year’s top TOI was Ryan Suter with 28:51, followed by Hakanpaa at 25:32. Klinger and Esa were on for right around 23 each, and then Hanley and Harley for a whopping 9:30ish each. This year, Miro skated for 26:53 as the top D followed by Suter with 22:16. The geezer played for 6:35 LESS this year and unsurprisingly he seemed to be more effective. After that, last night Esa/Miller for 18/17 and then Hakanpaa for 17:15 and Lundkvist for 15:28. The difference between top time and bottom time for bones was 19:30 and for PDB it was 11:25 for the defensive group.


    The long in the short of it is that PDB deployed the boys in a more efficient and balanced way than Bones did at any point last year and it certainly felt so on the eye test. Guys seemed faster and more productive. They seemed to transition and cover corners better.

  9. coldsprunk

    Are you not able to watch game replays through the Bally app/website?

  10. misfit8807

    So I noticed that Miro has an A on his Jersey now instead of Seguin. I’ve only been watching Hockey for about 5 years and never played Hockey so I’ve been slowly learning. What is the A? Is it Assistant C or Alternative? Thanks for any insights.

  11. jmbrinson

    Bowness returns to Dallas Monday very interested to see what happens.

  12. oryanprime

    Great game last night. Excited to watch Texas Stars tonight. Hopefully kick some ass too.

  13. stykface

    This may be a bold statement but I think Benn and Seggy will have much better years now that we have some balance

  14. Uterus_Executorus_

    the pp’s seem to have great chemistry, just a little bit too much with the overpassing lmao but both units look like a threat

  15. CPTCRUEL69

    Anyone going to the game tomorrow?

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