@Flames de Calgary

Ali Murji (qui a divulgué les nouveaux maillots des Sharks) dit que cela pourrait être le nouveau maillot Reverse Retro des Flames.

Ali Murji (qui a divulgué les nouveaux maillots des Sharks) dit que cela pourrait être le nouveau maillot Reverse Retro des Flames.



  1. asdasdasdzxczxczxc

    Not a huge fan of that to be honest.

  2. trenchdick

    Sleeves should be white, not red

  3. erasedhead

    Oh my god it is like someone typed “ruin the Flames jersey” into an AI and hit ENHANCE.

  4. PieEnjoyer69

    I thought they were trying to sell jerseys?!

  5. Straight-Plate-5256

    Everybody kept saying noooo no more blasty bring back the pedestal! Whelp… you got what you asked for

  6. The-Reddit-Giraffe

    Today is a bad day to have eyes

  7. TwoDimensionalCube83

    I actually kinda dig it. Looks like I’m the only one too.

  8. Martman104

    I’ll have to see it in person first before I make final judgement. I don’t exactly love it though.

  9. It’s like the retro Canucks jersey vomited on the flames jersey

  10. PlanningMyDeath

    It might look cool in person but idk man. Rather have the red jersey from 98.

  11. weschester

    Weirdly enough I actually dont mind it that much lol

  12. El_Cactus_Loco

    Absolutely heinous. We go from having the nicest tarps in the league to the basement. Fuck THIS.

  13. OnlyHereForMemes69

    If the goal was to make the pedestal jersey somehow even worse they succeeded in a major way.

  14. YourMomIsMyOtherCar

    I was really excited about a pedestal jersey. I am no longer excited

  15. Chixduggit

    We have some of the best uni’s in the league, tough to see these.

  16. MorienWynter

    I much prefer thewincolumn version to this..

  17. marlboro__man9

    You have top 3 home and roads, at worst, and a fun alternate. This reverse retro might be a bigger disgrace than the Calgary script alternate.

  18. TheJaice

    Is there a way we could bring in the Islanders fish sticks guy instead? That’s somehow better than this monstrosity.

  19. tSchab3r

    It’s supposed to be a reverse retro people! Let them put out fun jerseys

  20. Bradthelamb

    Finally a jersey worse than the script jersey 😂

  21. frostysponge142

    I have a feeling these are gonna look good on the ice, but idk I could be completely wrong

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