@Canadiens de Montréal

Joshua Roy devance la défense et marque un beau but pour son troisième point de la soirée et son 14e point en 6 matchs.

Joshua Roy devance la défense et marque un beau but pour son troisième point de la soirée et son 14e point en 6 matchs.



  1. thomas_bombadill

    2.3 ppg not too shabby! I hope he’s trying to play a fast paced game. I think he could use similar instruction as Suzuki was given when he went back his d+2 year

  2. FakeCrash

    *don’t overhype prospects don’t overhype prospects don’t overhype prospects don’t overhype prospects don’t overhype prospects don’t overhype prospects…*

  3. ghg1999

    Hes too good for that league man, this is similar to sean farrell in his d+1 season where he completely torched the USHL

  4. Peach_Lamp

    Putting up be a pro numbers, insane

  5. Diligent_Method199

    He looks so lazy reminds me of dylan stromes concrete feet

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