@Sabres de Buffalo

Sabres @ Canadiens 13/02/22 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Sabres de Buffalo aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. Anderson back and gets the win. Skinner with four goals! And Montreal loses 10 straight. Martin St. Louis is realizing what he got himself into now!

  2. Leave it to the Habs to give away the lead. It’s not the coaching at this point , it’s time to make some trades and FAST .

  3. Skinner could have had 6 , 7 pts.
    The guy is an enigma
    Can dominate 1 night , then not show up for 3 weeks.
    Oh well.

  4. Tuch and skinner look great together. Good to see skinner having a bounce back season

  5. I Guess No One is At The Buffalo Sabres And Montreal Canadians Game Since They Are Scared Of The Two Teams 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Bergevin left such a freaking mess. Horrible contracts, horrific player development, horrific drafting and absolutely no vision for the franchise. This was inevitable really. The rebuild will be long and painful. Hopefully Wright and Bedard can be our Toews and Kane and help us jumpstart the rebuild. Gorton was the correct choice but as long as this backward province exists, our head coach will be a recycled french Canadian who's outdated and completely out of his depth.

  7. Montreal not allowing fans is total BS!!! American teams are allowing full capacity and they’re doing just fine.

  8. It's a brilliant strategy to keep the fans away from the arena, Montreal. It has to throw off the visiting teams that aren't used to empty stands, as the Canadiens are. It''s so brilliant it's a pity it doesn't work.

  9. I feel like the Sabre’s are so close to being such a good team. Just a couple more pieces. And I’m a bruins fan

  10. Montreal has the same amount of wins, as Markstrom has shutouts. By the way..

  11. Quebec needs to drop those restrictions. We need fans back in the arena immediately!!!

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