@Sharks de San José

Rapport: William Eklund et Thomas Bordeleau quittent les Sharks pour la LAH

Un reportage de CapFriendly indique que William Eklund et Thomas Bordeleau seront réaffectés pour commencer leur saison avec le Barracuda de San Jose //brodie.bz/Apple ✳️ Spotify ➡️ http://brodie.bz/Spotify 📸 Instagram ➡️ http://brodie.bz/IG 🐦 Twitter ➡️ http://brodie.bz/TW 👍 Facebook ➡️ http:// brodie.bz/FB #sanjose #requins #nhlo


  1. Get Gregor out of the line up and give these kids a shot. Dont get me wrong, Gregor is an excellent hockey player but he cant finish his plays.

  2. David Quinn has an established reputation of not allowing the young guys to play. He is who we thought he was. Whether its the right approach or not, that's up for debate…

  3. This is so disappointing, Lorentz on the second line instead of Eklund or Bordeleau. Quinn should already be fired for that. Clearly tanking for Bedard

  4. Quinn needs to give them a chance to play. Wait to long and they will get an attitude and it will hurt them

  5. A few games with the Cuda wouldn't hurt. I am wondering if Verroneau, Gushchin or Robins get a chance before them.

  6. Also: The line about Quinn being bad with young players is not correct. Adam Fox won the Calder/Norris under him, Buchnevich cemented himself into the top six.

  7. Sharks really dominating the draft last 10 years. Brilliant. So fun.

  8. I get frustrated with this sharks fans push for immediate small improvement.(playing the young guys in nhl) pushing for likley years of 10-15 overall picks. instead of looking to get this team back into contention as quick as possible. We’re not getting a artemi free agent and Thornton trades don’t come around to often. You need to draft your way mostly back up. That means some rough years. We’ve had a couple good drafts but more top end role players then 1st, bonified second liners(50 points) besides ek and bords.

    With the signings of dell and Harrington. It right away told me there looking to not just throw in the towel ala Arizona but to tread water. Try to pick up a piece or two. Have replacements for trades like reimer and bonnino. Bring the young guys when there ready. But are shooting for a bottom 5-8 pick.

  9. i'm really torn about this.
    on one side, it makes sense to let the future play together and develope some chemistry while having lots of playing time. i mean with Eklund, Bordeleau, Merkley, Guschin, Robins, Coe… this will be a great barracuda team. it will be psychologically benefitting for players like Eklund to be on the winning side again and boost their self confidence. all while the sharks team can play as shit as they want, because with this years deep draft, tanking will be rewarded.

    on the other side, i really hope they don't hurt their developement. i mean they looked good. and why not let them develope in the NHL, just be patient, give them opportunities let them do mistakes and learn from them at the highest level. in the best case scenario, the young players get a lot of experience, the sharks are bad and draft high.

  10. Pavelski is another example. He was 3rd line center for awhile behind Jumbo and Logan. Made for some crazy depth but Pavs didn't get his chance for top 6 minutes for years once he finally did he took that top line center job and ran with it.

  11. Hi Brodie, I was wondering can you discuss or give your 2 cents about whether or not russian players should be allowed to play in the NHL during these times? I think they should openly condemn the war or be disqualified from the league indefinitely. So far there hasn't been any hint of such action, but to me it would absolutely be justified, to follow the steps of most international sports. Is there too much money loss at risk for the teams with russian players for any kind ban to take place? Do you think the actions of russia could already have a negative effect in the locker rooms? Sorry for the political question, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

    All the best to you from Finland.

  12. I honestly believe Quinn and Grier want to see if this current roster is enough with the additions of 4 players who have never had the best chance to reach their full potential. If the Sharks start stacking up losses, we’ll see Eklund and Bordeleau before Christmas. The Sharks are definitely grittier with the current roster and we NEED to be tougher. Time will tell.

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