@Maple Leafs de Toronto

ÉCHEC DE L’ÉCHANGE MAPLE LEAFS + PANTHERS CONTRE MACKENZIE WEEGAR ! Rumeurs d’échange de la LNH à Toronto/Floride + Nouvelles

Plus tôt la saison dernière, les Maple Leafs de Toronto avaient une offre commerciale sur la table des Panthers de la Floride qui aurait envoyé Mackenzie Weegar aux Maple Leafs. Qu’auriez-vous fait si vous aviez été Kyle Dubas ? #torontomapleleafs #mapleleafs #Floridapanthers #Panthers #NHLRumors


  1. I agree with many that this was an error but I'm not the GM who has to pay for things. If you can't afford it without loosing an asset you don't want to loose then you can't do it. While there aren't a lot of players I think fit this category in Toronto especially on the D but honestly we'll see. Thanks for the vid. Take care all.

  2. His real name is Kyle Doo Doo
    He not a goof GM
    He only going after big name players. Kyle Doo Doo don’t think Makinze Weeger is house hold name.

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