@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers TV Original : « 88 »

Suivez alors que les Flyers honorent Eric Lindros en envoyant 88 aux chevrons.


  1. happy to see him in good health and with his family…!….i hear he is a nice man too!

  2. He would destroy ppl in today's age. Could you imagine going back for the puck and no one's slowing him down…….?

  3. I was completely bummed when we lost out on Lindros in '92 – Larry effin Bertuzzi. Imagine facing Messier & Lindros up the middle every night? Still, I wouldn't have changed a thing, the Rangers won the Cup two years later.

  4. I will debate it with anyone. There has never been a player with his combination of attributes, and that goes to the present day. A total warrior, he had a mean streak on the ice but was compassionate off of it. Think of 88, 66, or 99 in today's NHL….

  5. I had the pleasure over his time in Philadelphia, of meeting Mr. Lindros face to face multiple times around town at different events. To say he is a quality individual is an understatement. The best way I can describe him is something my grandmother used to say when she met people and had a good first impression. Eric Lindros is good people. God Bless him and his family.

  6. If only we had some better goaltending when Big E was wreaking havoc on the ice. Could’ve had a Cup or two in my opinion. I miss watching him play so much. Glad he is in good standing with the organization and fans for the most part. He truly was one of the greatest ever and a shame we couldn’t win the Cup with him and the Legion of Doom line.

  7. Some hate him, but I love lightning rods and think they can help teams. He was the best power forward ever. Miss 88, wish I wasn’t so young when he played.

  8. Just watching this hits the heart! I'm a Flyer for life! Anyone that's a true Flyers fan from the area knows what Flyers hockey and Flyers spirit is! LET'S GO FLYERS!!!

  9. Cheapest player ever. Glad Scotty wrecked him. Glad he never touched the cup.

  10. Never seen anyone that big on skates before…just think what he would’ve accomplished if he wasn’t injured so much…still had a great career regardless…me and my dad had season tickets for his entire career…had the pleasure of talking to him a couple of times…really a humble soft spoken man…also autographed a picture for me…great memories that I will never forget…thank you sir…

  11. I wonder how many fans in attendance either burned their #88 jerseys or had to take the tape off the nameplate before this game. Stupid fans that don’t deserve anything nice.

  12. Was there anyone that could change the momentum of a game in a shift or two quicker than Eric? A few thunderous hits, a goal and a fight and all on the same shift or two. I don't think I will ever see a single player capable of taking the wind out of the other team so quickly ever again. When Eric was playing, he was amazing. When he was playing with a mean on, he was terrifying.

  13. Subtle and great editing sequence between 1:25 to 1:40. These are the "little" moments that make a piece so memorable. Whoever did this, thank you.

  14. Eric Lindros is one of the best human beings I have had the pleasure of being in the same room with

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