@Golden Knights de Vegas

Un fan des Golden Knights de Vegas a été touché par une rondelle à la tête

Un fan malchanceux des Golden Knights a le front qui saigne après avoir été touché par une rondelle. Le ventilateur a reçu une attention médicale immédiate après. NHL Rejects vous aide à réduire le bruit et à entrer directement dans les actions de hockey en cours dans la ligue. Abonnez-vous pour voir plus de contenu de hockey sur votre flux ! Promotions, questions, suggestions ? Envoyez-nous un courriel à: nhl.rejects@gmail.com


  1. Vegas fan – oooo my vagina. Real fans – put a frickin bandaid on it and leave me alone.

  2. Drink some water change your socks quit being a bitch (corps man to Marines)

  3. But a flesh wound… it’s why you watch and not playing puss

  4. This is the blood sacrifice the Vegas Knights needed to Welcome King Eichel ! And the illumanti confirmation for them to win the Stanley cup.

  5. Poor dude, that has to hurt. But modern arenas do have oodles of warning signs and audible announcements about paying attention and being alert when the puck is in play. At least he survived this, unlike the 14 year old Columbus girl a few years ago.

  6. He's a hockey fan. Probably took a couple of stitches and was back for the second period. But seriously, it was good to see he was able to get up and walk out though.

  7. Best souvenir a person can get from a hockey game. A PUCK…and a couple of stitches to the forehead! Bragging rights!

  8. That guy will be just fine he's a hockey fan not a soccer fan!!

  9. I actually saw that because I was right next to him and saw it and I could see his head bleeding at least it did not hit the kid he was holding

  10. They wanna take you away for concussion protocol so they don’t get sued lol I’m not leaving my seat and missing the game. Thank you for the towel keep playing lol

  11. This happened at a caps games a few weeks ago. The refs there stopped the game for like 5 minutes till the fan was taken out of the stands. Real respect by the refs. Here well no big deal “game on”. How long before nets go all the way around? The reason nets went up behind the goalie is a puck went up into the stand real fast hit a young lady and it killed her. Not right away. But it was an 1 in a billion chance. Hit her just right. Sad! But need to do something on the rest of the ice rink before something really happens. I’ve been to games behind the Goalie net really doesn’t get in the way of your sight you really don’t notice it.

  12. Just curious if the club gives him any compensation? Free jersey? Free puck? Free tickets? Free beer? 😂

  13. I was at a Washington Capitals game a few years back and a woman four or so rows back of us took the hardest, fastest puck directly to her forehead. Her young boy was sitting there and had no idea what to do. She was bleeding like crazy, too. I felt so bad because the entire area surrounding her were just staring at her and had their phones out taking selfies and videos of her. It was sickening to see how stupid and cold people are. Hope that woman is ok. That puck was absolutely HAMMERED.

  14. Wouldn’t be surprised if the protective netting goes all the way around the rink in a short time from now.

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