@Predators de Nashville

Prédateurs @ Maple Leafs 16/11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Predators de Nashville aux Maple Leafs de Toronto


  1. Good win for the leafs tonight!!!! Good chemistry and teamwork between the players and the goalie!! Matty hyped up the crowd after he scored the power play goal, nice to see Kampf score his goal at the arena and Mitchy made a nice goal at the end of the game!!!! Terrific saves by Campbell(Soupy) tonight!! Go leafs go!!!!🍁🏒

  2. По красоте сыграли
    Вот бы так играли на протяжении всего сезона

  3. Obviously the most canada team…there symbol is a maple leaf lol, habs fans hate it because we wear are canadian maple leaf on are jerseys well thay rock a toilet seat lol

  4. Matthews and Marner could have had 5 between them tonight. Their chemistry is starting to look scary good, I can't believe it took this long to play them together regularly.

  5. Canada's "team" will be the team(s) that actually make(s) it to the playoffs.
    And if there ends up being only one Canadian team in the playoffs, that team will be Canada's team.
    For now, Ontario's team won A game.
    (Which is better than any sh*thole country's team winning, of course.)

  6. I've been honest about their shortcomings and I'll be honest about this too. Played quite well tonight – especially the third line.

  7. 9-1-0 in their last ten, does anyone know if that’s good ?

  8. lol how are they booing that no goal call….it didn't cross the line?? why are you…what?

  9. If every Leaf bought into the effort and care that Kase and Soup play with every night, they would be literally unstoppable. They both just love and respect the game and it shows, big time.

  10. Why isn’t anyone talking about how Marner went through 3 guys and back handed it in from almost half? That was pretty impressive.

  11. Man we gotta be protecting Campbell a lot better than this. We let so many guys crash his net or get our dmen checked on top of him. WE CAN NOT LET HIM GET HURT!!!!

  12. Did you see how happy Kase was when kampf scored he was more excited than kampf was lol what a great line tonight. They were all over the preds. Hopefully they can keep this up all year!!

  13. We have to get rid of that stupid song the background in the rink every time they score man it sucks it's the same song for three years straight over and over

  14. I don't think anyone can afford a PS5 atm… they're charging about 2K$ CND. No amount of advertisement can justify spending that.

  15. The Leafs are looking good, aren't they? A big shutout congrats to the fellow fans and team of Ontario. Go Maple Leafs!!! A good game to the fans and team of Tennessee. Go Predators!!!

  16. Were’s all the Habitant fans repeating well they lost to a Zamboni driver for the 15,000th time. The other one is well they won’t make the playoffs and my favourite they won’t get out of the first round even though Tampa who had a terrible time getting past the first round or out of their division before finally winning for the last two years. There must have been a special on pea soup. 🤣🤣


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