@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’après-match de DJ Smith – 15 octobre 2022

« Toronto étant aussi bon qu’eux, je pense que nous nous sommes bien entendus avec eux. Nous n’avons pas reculé. » DJ Smith sur la performance de ce soir


  1. People are way too doomer. I get it, it’s easy to over react.

    I’m saving it till game 10. They’ve really only played 4 games as a group.

  2. This man is really complaining about officiating when Marner got a penalty for shoving someone and the refs don't call a blatant delay of game penalty? looooooool

  3. Not understanding putting norris with debrincat on the same line then splitting them up on the power play.. should be the other way around I think

  4. We’re suppose to score a tone of goals and struggles defending. I don’t think DJ got the memo

  5. Get Norris back on the top line. Played well, brutal officiating cost them this one. 8 points gone to divisional rivals.

  6. Hardcore Newfie sens fan here! DJ has got to go! Wtf are u doing splitting up Newfie (Norris) thatchuk and drake? Man o man it sickens me seeing Norris skating around looking lost!!! Put Norris up and jimmy stu down please!!!

  7. DJ can’t seem to adjust to the new team he has. We give up the redline on purpose forcing us to constantly defend in our own end. Why is Mott on the pp? Why are we not using our top 6 always on pp…and give them some time to build a bit of chemistry. DJ just has everyone in a blender, every line is changed (except for 4th)… that should have been figured out in preseason. I’d give DJ 3 or 4 more games to fix this and find a system better suited for this team or step aside.

  8. next game is a must win. can't start the season losing to everybody in our division

  9. Again decent job by the defence but offence couldn't bury their chances. Hard to watch but you can see how much better they are compared to last year. Aren't getting stuck in their own zone near as much or as long

  10. Put Norris back with Tkachuk and Batherson. Stutzle doesn't fit well with them, they can't keep up with his pace. He's barely spent any time with G and DeBrincat, give them more of a chance.

    Also odd to hear DJ say they had chances and played well. Look at the o-zone time for each team, they got destroyed. It was mostly rush chances, no sustained pressure. Putting Norris back with Tkachuk and Batherson would be a line that can sustain pressure, while Stutzle with DeBrincat can score more on rush chances.

    I know it takes time to build chemistry with new players, but this team shouldn't have this much difficulty scoring goals. I also get the feeling that coaches are holding Chabby back from jumping into the play. Let him run and gun, don't use Chabby and Zub as a shutdown pair. They're a balanced pairing with both an offensive guy and defensive guy.

    I'm NOT one of the people calling for DJ to be fired (people need to calm down and give him another 10-ish games), but some of the decisions and messaging so far are pretty questionable.

  11. There seemed to be very very little chemistry between the guys. DeBrinct was on the left side of the next and Claude took the shot from the top of the next rather than pass it and DeBrinct was slapping his stick

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