@Stars de Dallas

Les joueurs des Stars de Dallas énervés après le match des éliminatoires du 20/04/97

Les Stars de Dallas sont furieux après avoir regardé la rediffusion, dans le couloir du vestiaire, de Mike Grier dans l’enclave lors de ce but d’Edmonton. 96-97 Vindigidy Vindigidy


  1. Hull was in the crease, a skate in the crease is in the crease.

    Same shit happened to them. They got away with it also.

  2. modano and zubov r nice guys and great players the rest r normal: good winners bad losers;this was a great Dallas team though they deserved their Cup in '99

  3. were they that pissed when they won in 99 with Hulls big fat foot in the crease?

  4. The in the crease rule was garbage. I bet the Stars didn't feel the same way in 99!

  5. The in the crease was good and bad but he was cleary in the goalies area Dallas is losing there touch a great team

  6. @toughtimes09 Get your head outta your ass. Completely different. Grier wa in the crease when Buchberger shot the puck. Thats illegal. On Hull's goal, he was the shooter. He had possession himself. That was legal.

  7. @mouthpee i was all like should i ? but then i realized i could do so much better then this .. but then i realied broten was no where to be found

  8. There Jersey's looked soo much better then compared to now, I wish they kept it as it was.

  9. @jkrx karma? It was before they won the cup dumbass. Karma was when they won the cup with Hull's foot in the crease. Backfired BIATCH. Like that Karma?

  10. @PocketHercules99 I was at that game too. Man was I pissed. Im a Stars fan. Can you imagine wearing a Stars jersey in that building that night ? Insane I tell ya. That goal definitely shouldnt have counted but waddya gonna do. Curtis Joseph was UNREAL that series. Thats why we got rid of Moog and brought in Belfour. That changed everything. Took us from damn good to great.

  11. was this game 1 or game 7? fuck man when they're sore losers like that too they dont deserve to win

  12. 1st point, its '97 and there was no "crease rule" in effect until '98 so your allowed to be in the crease as long as you dont interfere with the goaltender. 2nd point, if you watch the replay CORRECTLY the puck hits Moogs glove, who is in the crease, before Grier even gets close to him when "it" happens. The puck is already in the net when he does skate through the crease. Who did this feature? Was it from Dallas? Retards, whoever it was. "Right on the money" pff, i have to laugh

  13. The puck was already in the net before he even touched Moog. And their was no crease rule in 1997 so I don't know what they're whining about

  14. @Rymo18 Actually ya there was the rule back then. And it wasnt about Grier touching Moog. He didnt have to. He was in the crease before the puck was. Plain and simple. Btw I was at that game.

  15. haha this looks like a scene out of slapshot how the fuck did they get this on tape?

  16. man that Stars team was scary. It was like playing team iceland from the ducks movie.

  17. The best part of it all? Edmonton has been dominated by Dallas ever since. Their win records by Edmonton vs North Stars are being trashed

  18. Ummm, 1999 was the year the Sabers were beaten by the Stars, and you Buffalo fans should really let it go.

  19. And the blown lead hurt Dallas b/c Game 7 ended up happening anyway, and who was it, Todd Marchant?

  20. Ironic how they later won the cup with Hull's skate being in the crease

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