@Coyotes de l'Arizona

John Chayka quitte le poste de directeur général des Coyotes de l’Arizona (RANT) | QU’EST-CE QUI SE PASSE AVEC CETTE FRANCHISE

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  1. My favourite part of this whole situation was in Arizona’s statement they said they have the best fans in the league 😂

  2. Those in his 'perpetual quitters' support group would be like, 'yeah, I understand'.

  3. Here’s my thoughts on this as a Coyotes fan…The rumor is that the owner let Chayka have a talk with an NHL organization, but Chayka was offered and irrefutable offer and he wanted to take it. The owner then wanted him to stay, and Chayka planned on going to Edmonton as long as he could transition to his other job, but the owner said he either had to commit to the team now or leave. He obviously left, but the situation is still very cloudy as one source says Chayka is a liar and a quitter possibly lying about the job not being a lateral move and the team is obviously very bitter and upset. Chayka claims the owner put him in a bad spot, but as a fan I don’t really know who to believe. This is obviously a tough look for the organization and it sucks that everything always goes wrong. I still think people need to chill though, because Steve Sullivan is a capable gm and the owner is committed. I still see a positive future for this franchise even without Chayka, but it matters to me whether or not the owner is at fault or not.

  4. Again thanks YouTube for no notification but let’s go HTH rant why did he quit like you said definitely more behind this with the Taylor hall contact thing something is definitely happening in Arizona I hate to say this but they should relocate I hate that but and I do Feel like if they lose in a play in Round series and don’t get laf and lose hall but man that would suck and the don’t get talked about enough hopefully stuff gets better for the coyotes

  5. This team and organization is a mess have they even been to a conference final the only good thing about this organization is the jersey are actually pretty cool

  6. if the yotes don’t get past the play-in round, don’t get laffy AND lose hall, it’s buh bye arizona and hello nordiques

  7. Advanced stats are a modern and very useful tool but should never substitute for good judgment, knowledge based on experience and even sometimes… intuition. The Coyotes, like the Panthers, have put advanced stats on top and the results are lagging. The Coyotes offense has been sluggish for a few years, so how is it possible to miss Cole Caufield in the last draft? although Söderström could be a great choice. The enthusiasm in anticipation of the arrival of a player like Caufield would have been beneficial to the Arizona market. For my greatest joy! my Habs will welcome Caufield with open arms. The most efficient route is often to go from A to B without detour. Chayka had such a complicated construction plan that I'm not sure he understood it himself 🤔

  8. Very unprofessional of the Arizona Coyotes to publicly call an employee that wants to leave, a quitter. They have to get it together moving forward.

  9. wow, first ever nhl drama for a "humble" league. may i ask what is the prospect situation?

  10. If i would pick any team that's going to move in any recent time,it would be arizona,it probably wont happen but with the Seattle kraken moving to the Pacific and arizona moving to the central division,the coyotes have poor attendence,horrible team,well not really horrible team now but when they had smith it was a dumpster fire,they are gonna get rocked out in the central by the likes of colarado and st louis,maybe dallas,and even than the predators can take forth place and leave the coyotes out,and they cant have this trash happening so close to the plain rounds,the coyotes are a team that if it had a grocery store job it would earn minimum wage for its effort

  11. They're the worst organization in the league including:
    Tire fire
    Constant failure to sign free agents

  12. No free agent signing there for 5 years lol. Not that they would anyway

  13. This whole situation is pissing me off. I really don’t know if he was a fantastic GM, but they seemed to be getting better every year. To me it sounds like he didn’t feel like waiting for good things to happen, and he just up and left. I’m scared this could be the tipping point that finally puts the Coyotes under, unless the new ownership can really make things work. My mindset right now: fuck Chayka and whoever hires him

  14. Yeah when I first heard this news I was in shock and was totally confused. It makes me wonder what really happened between Chayka and the organization. Will be interesting to see what happens with their GM situation going forward.

  15. Wow, the audio seemed like it was surround sound! Listening on headphones once i turned it video on i had to check it was still on just the headphones. Nice.

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