@Blackhawks de Chicago

GEORGE OFFMAN sur les désastreux Blackhawks de Chicago

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  1. According to George Offman, Pierre Dorian must have heard the CHIBHWS wrong when they said, "Ok, we'll trade you DeBrincat. Give us your 7TH ROUND DRAFT PICK in this year's draft for him, and that will be all." lol

  2. I'm all for the rebuild but letting Eddie O walk was inexcusable. One of the few bright spots for me looking ahead, was to hear Eddie talk about the new comers and pick their play apart and let us know what he was seeing.

  3. I wanted to watch this because I was in the mood for comedy and this George guy did not disappoint. This isn't just about tanking THIS year George, and while the team will tank, that's only a bonus. This is a long term project and when I heard Davidson say he was looking to build back in 5 years I thought that's wishful thinking. Now I'm not so sure, as this is a good start, even though there is more to do. This is the sort of thing that is usually relegated to fantasy GMs as no team would tolerate burning down the forest to regrow it. For all the decades we lamented about Dollar Bill, we've now come full circle as the Wirtz family has provided the team a truly golden opportunity to try to get back to the glory days.

    We need to blow it all up, and especially get rid of Seth Jones who otherwise will by himself keep us from getting to the promised land. Toews isn't worth much these days so getting him to finish his contract and walk away for nothing is acceptable. Kaner on the other hand is another sort of animal, he's my favorite player of all time and seeing him traded would hurt, but letting him go for nothing would hurt more.

    What George needs to understand is that this isn't about trying to lose now, it's about not caring at all about trying to win and to focus on the future, as exclusively as you can. I don't want the Hawks to be an expansion team and if we were this good we're not doing near enough.

    Time will tell how well this ends up going but I'm very excited. Letting Strome and Kubalik walk has been particularly hard for people to understand but this is when I really knew Davidson gets it, even though you are left dumbfounded and clueless George. Neither will be worth having on the bench when things start to matter, and paying guys big money to produce at a time where it doesn't matter, at all, does not make sense. By the time it does, they will be well over the hill, as will Debrincat and Dach. This is mostly about the money now, and Davidson seems to understand this well.

    As a die-hard Hawks fan since the days of Hull and Mikita, I am not upset or disappointed but very excited, and if Davidson keeps sticking with the plan, he will have the last laugh. I will spell it out for you though one more time, the goal here is to give away as much present as possible in order to make the future as good as possible. Thank you Rocky for having this much guts., or more accurately, simply not caring what people think. Dad never cared about that either, although now it's a virtue, a huge one.

  4. Been a hawk's fan since the 60's, the last 6yrs hawk mngmt has driven the club into the ground,a hawk's fan no longer!!!!

  5. Danny Wirtz is an absolute ZERO. Stan Bowman drove the bus off the cliff but, this kid has no idea what he is doing. Jamie 'whats her face' obviously knows nothing about this team. It's fanbase, or traditions. When I saw all the 'Pride flag' stuff with the hawks logo, I knew we were in trouble. People look at sports as a distraction from political and social issues. You have to know who your fans are and who are not. Attendance and merch will be down until they get their heads out of their asses. I have been a die hard fan since the 70's and never thought I could lose my love of this team but, I have lost all respect for this franchise.

  6. Chicago went downhill when they gave those contracts to Kane and Toews . they needed that cap space to rework their defense core as they were aging and instead they not only couldn't replace the defense but they also lost scoring depth because they couldn't afford them.

  7. They have to trade Toews and Kane before the deadline. They can get a good haul for Kane and probably a decent return for Tazer. Last year of their deals and who's to say they don't walk at the end of the year? They have to try and move them 100%.

  8. Ah-ha! I finally found someone who points out that Seth Jones actually played pretty well last season. I mean, it wasn't "oh my! what a superstar" type season for sure. But the "what a bust" people are flat wrong. Is he overpaid? Maybe-leaning-on-probably. I'd like to see one more year on that. Anyway, thanks Offman.

  9. Having Alex Debrincat on this team really doesn’t help them achieve winning the next Stanley Cup it gets them too good to possibly draft Connor Bedard.

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