@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[TicTacTOmar] Un autre regard sur la supposée passe de main

[TicTacTOmar] Un autre regard sur la supposée passe de main



  1. cappo40

    Wait though, why does it look like its batted down, stops, then moves forward off of Keller’s skate?

  2. ehPardy

    How the fuck do they « review » that and determine to call the goal off. Howwwwww!?

    That’s insane, how do you trust that…

  3. Burnt2Smithereens

    Because it wasn’t a hand pass

  4. CanadianGem

    Let’s talk about how the Yotes player played him while knocking it down. If that didn’t happen the puck is on Rielly’s stick.

    Fuck these refs.

  5. VermtownRoyals

    I will admit I don’t know much about hockey and am trying to learn. How the hell can you say he passed it to a teammate when it went off his hand straight into the ice?

  6. captaincarot

    Ok fine, it hit his stick, high stick, then his skate, still a stoppage.

  7. HarryWally

    Only thing I see is a slash to the hand, and the puck coming extremely close to touching the Yotes stick. Unclear, so how can that be overturned!!?

  8. It’s wild that this is conclusive enough to overturn a goal. It’s fucking wild.

  9. freakypsycho

    One of the worst calls ive ever seen. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for the preds when the ref blew the early whistle in the playoffs against the pens. I think I would have an aneurysm

  10. Halfpricelapper

    Refs had ‘Yotes moneyline tonight. What a joke.

  11. billyshin

    Gary Bettman was reviewing that play.

  12. terminese

    Fucken bullshit:

    A player shall be permitted to stop or “bat” a puck in the air with his open hand, or push it along the ice with his hand, and the play shall not be stopped unless, in the opinion of the Referee, he has deliberately directed the puck to a teammate in any zone other than the defending zone, in which case the play shall be stopped and a face-off conducted.

    He batted the puck down, he did not direct it to Marner, he wasn’t even in the play.

  13. McJoe77

    Unpopular opinion, technically, it is a hand pass. BUT with Kellers stick IN Rielly’s glove, how is it possibly enough to overturn that when it was called a goal on the ice. Unless I’m understanding the rules wrong in terms of “inconclusive” evidence, I don’t understand how they can make that call.

  14. Blippii

    If I were Dubas Id be filing a complaint. Whatever the system allows for.

  15. mikez56

    This is a really bad interpretation of the rule. They had to use twisted logic to call that a directed hand pass.

  16. There’s a slash and a high stick before ~~Reilly~~ Rielly even gets his hand on the puck.

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