@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Regardez la règle de la passe manuelle. Pas même à distance près de ce qui s’est passé sur cette pièce

Regardez la règle de la passe manuelle. Pas même à distance près de ce qui s’est passé sur cette pièce



  1. trustfundbabyjr

    The puck also bounced off Kellers foot so it wasn’t a hand pass regardless.

  2. GuapoMan17

    Thanks for this. Even some leafs fans were saying it was the right call. Clearly it wasn’t.

  3. Who cares? The Leafs played like shit. They didn’t deserve to win.

  4. newfiemarc

    I think I figured it out, Rielly has telekinetic powers and directed the puck off of kellers skate, off the board and out to marner.
    Edit: spelling

  5. _circa84

    This is clear and obvious the situation room does not open the rule book when they review plays. The process should be they have to review the rule and read it out loud to the refs. If they read this they would have allowed the goal. What a joke. Teams need to be able to file major grievances for calls like this in the last 5 minutes of a game.

  6. djlista

    I’m amazed how the NHL gets to pick and choose their rules. Sadly it’s always against the leafs

    Fuck the NHL. I hate this league. Garbage TV deals, Garbage promoting, garbage commissioner, and the worst refs in professional sports

  7. labadee

    i honestly didnt know that this play was reviewable

  8. Charl3magne

    The rule was changed 3-4 years ago. What you have posted is the old rule, the new one is 79.1, which is available in the Mirtle tweet.

  9. 6-8-5-13

    >79.1 Hand Pass – A player shall be permitted to stop or “bat” a puck in the air with his open hand, or push it along the ice with his hand, and the play shall not be stopped unless, in the opinion of the on-ice officials, he has directed the puck to a teammate, or has allowed his team to gain an advantage, and subsequently possession and control of the puck is obtained by a player of the offending team, either directly or deflected off any player or official.

  10. Beaversneverdie

    Leafs didn’t even try until the 3rd. Gotta stop blaming the refs and look at the boys. Year 6 of this, they need to be better.

  11. mrpink01

    Shit call. Poor effort for about 55 minutes. I’m sad.

  12. Jake_Thador

    Can the mods remove this please for misinformation?

  13. DontToewsM3Bro

    Ah let it go its one game

    Horrible call but not the reason leafs lost, leafs shit for 55 mins that’s why we lost

  14. flawlessfear1

    Didnt change the fact we lost to both the habs and fucking coyotes. This shouldnt happen with this lineup.

  15. TroublesomeOcelot

    The Leafs should have been up 6 goals by second period, at which point hotly debated calls don’t even matter. They didn’t show up.

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