@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Le but égalisateur des Maple Leafs est annulé dans les dernières secondes contre les Coyotes

Regardez Alexander Kerfoot, des Maple Leafs de Toronto, voir son but égalisateur annulé dans les dernières secondes de la troisième période après qu’un examen a déterminé qu’il y avait eu une passe de la main de Morgan Reilly.


  1. He knocked it down wtf. How is that a pass? Guys knock pucks out of the air all the time.

  2. All those Boos after the Referee announces the verdict from the Control Room is music to one's ear! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  3. If that's a hand pass then a high sticking

    penalty should have been called on Keller .

    There is more evidence that Keller was hitting Rileys glove with a high stick .

  4. It was the right call. You could clearly see the Maple Leaf player bat the puck down with his hand, never regained possession and Marner who flipped it to open ice. This is a text book handpass and should have been blown dead. Phoenix > Toronto

  5. That call doesn't make any sense at all, I don't know how the league can look at that and decide that meets the criteria for a controlled hand pass to a teammate. The puck glances off an open palm straight down off an opposing players foot, then theres a puck battle where another Leaf player picks it out of the scrum. There's been calls lately where fans of one particular team don't like it but it is in fact correct (Colorado/Edmonton non-offside for ex) but this one I don't know how anybody could argue that should be a hand pass.

  6. NHL is a joke, sports betting ruined the sport more money on the leafs so Vegas made sure they could sneak that one out

  7. the rules say "a deflection off a skate doesnt negate a hand pass" a deflection doesnt count as having possession the puck would have to had hit kellers stick for it to be a good goal. doesnt matter the intent or whether he was trying to pass to marner or not marner is the first player who has possession of the puck. possession has to be hand eye coordination which isnt just touching the puck with your skate.

  8. As a hockey fan, I can say that they did technically follow the rule, but the rule is total bullshit. As a leafs failure enjoyer, this is christmas anyway. Thank you Arizona, we are all in your debt.

  9. Never thought I'd say this but……. Leafs got screwed. But even then that's arguably the worst team in hockey, in your building…… the game shouldn't come down to that. Every dog has its day. I'm sure all 18 Arizona fans are happy as hell tonight.

  10. ooh, no that's bad. this is a slippery slope of precedence. that glove move was entirely made to keep the puck in the zone, and not to make a pass. this should have been a goal regardless.

  11. When Rielly was catching the puck Keller's stick was simultaneously in Rielly's glove and looks like Keller's stick may have hit the puck first and then the puck came down. This would cancel out the glove pass. I'm not 100% sure but apparently the league is.

  12. I love how leaf fans think they're so entitled to have refs bend the rules for them. Pathetic.

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