@Canadiens de Montréal

Qui va à Laval quand Edmundson & Matheson reviennent?

Qui va à Laval quand Edmundson & Matheson reviennent?



  1. Ya_Boi_Blue_

    Probably Arber and then one of schooz and kov, with the other being 7th D

  2. xShabutie

    Xhekaj and Schoo most likely. What I’m most interested in is whether Harris stays on the left side or if Matheson takes his spot on the left and he’s forced back to the right. He’s looked a lot better at LD.

    Will also be interesting to see what happens to our lackluster PP.

  3. larryhabster

    It’s a long season. There are bound to be some minor (hopefully) injuries that come up and that is what depth is for.

  4. I wish they send Xhekaj for his sake and Wideman because we gotta keep the duo together ![img](emote|t5_2r10m|5676)

  5. Takethefucknelephant

    Preference: Wideman & Shue
    Reality: Shue & Xhekaj or Harris
    I really hope they keep Arber around because he brings intangibles the other guys don’t have.

  6. JesperiGoatkaniemi15

    Kovasevic is making a solid argument for him to stay, Harris too in that regard. Do we ride with Wideman as 7th D eventually when both return? Could make sense…

  7. Acidraindrops22

    Play Arber as a forward and send Hoffman to the AHL

  8. SweetHart727

    Wideman and Schueneman even if I know that’s not what’s gonna happen

  9. confidenceisKi

    Scheuneman and Wideman for sure, 7th D will be Kovacevik

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