@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton recherchent des éclaircissements sur Mike Smith et Duncan Keith d’ici le 1er juillet

Elliotte Friedman discute des Oilers qui cherchent à clarifier l’avenir des vétérans Mike Smith et Duncan Keith d’ici le 1er juillet et des meilleurs candidats entraîneurs qui se rapprochent de la prise de décision sur l’équipe qu’ils rejoindront.


  1. Hopefully they both retire. be a blessing for the team. Holland loves the old guys though.

  2. I think with that Keith trade there had to be some assureance that he would retire because it doesn't make any sense for edm to take on 100% of his salary. If Keith reitres his salary and 3.3 mil in recapture open up a big chunck of money. Keith only makes around 1.5 on his deal but counts for 5.5 on the cap. He has made his money its time for him to retire. Smith hangs it up if he doesn't honestly so what its 2.2 on the cap for a 1b/backup for one year. You can trade him somewhere, you wont get anything for him but he has some value he isn't a minus. I would also trade Kassian out I would attach a 23' 3rd and a b level prospect. I would not buy him out. They already have to much dead cap. Also Barrie should be able to fetch a fourth or fifth. With a new GM and some creativity there are moves to be made. Holland should be pushed upsatirs he is not a solid GM anymore.

  3. Hilarious how the COILERS 💩 and they're delusional fans actually thought that their team were Cup contenders when all they did was beat a couple of non-contending teams in their own weak-ass Pacific Division. As soon as the COILERS 💩 stepped outside their weak-ass Pacific Division bubble they got swept.

  4. Keith retirement makes sense, dude will only make $1.5 mil next year, but Smith would leave $2.5 on the table. Hard to let that slip away, 75% he's back next year

  5. Mike smiths contract doesn’t come off the books if he retires, it was signed over 35. they’d have to trade the contract to Arizona or buffalo or something

  6. Although I personally don't want to either retire, if Keith does hang up his skates not only does his 5.538M come off the books, the Oilers would also gain 3.4M in cap space. That's an 8.9M swing. That would be amazing.

  7. Again with “I think” no cares what you think Elliot, 😂 fans want facts not what you think

  8. Torts to Vegas! As a VGK fan watching the team spiral into the ground, at least torts ripping Eichel will keep it entertaining

  9. Kane is a great player, and I'd absolutely love him on the Edmonton Oilers roster. At the same time, in my personal opinion, protecting the players' loyalty and trust to the team is more important than signing Kane.

    Personally, protecting the integrity of the trust in the players toward the organization comes first, which means I'd rather honour the pre-existing contracts signed first and foremost. Keith, Smith and the players played their hearts out and sacrificed their bodies playing in the playoffs. And for that, I really think they deserve respect and dignity.

    At the same time, I'm not in Ken Holland's shoes, so I don't know exactly what going on regarding the issue. One thing for sure, he has a tough task ahead. I wish him all the best. He's done an excellent job since he's became the GM for the Oilers.

  10. Toronto can hold their heads high' Tampa Bay' players are all capable and proven to be' that along with top end coaching abilities' a team that works extremely hard in all aspects of the game.. and can accomplish their end goals without help from the powers that be' refs' upper league management.. as we have seen over the past years often enough' hang in Toronto' maybe next year'

  11. Here's a thought trade Nuge away and run McDavid by himself on a line and Draisaitl himself on the 2nd line. Have a A Center and B Center kind of like the Penguins with Crosby and Malkin. Or like Kuznetsov and Backstrom. Use the cap space to sign Kane and another Winger.

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