@Lightning de Tampa Bay

[POSTGAME] Flyers de Philadelphie @ Impostors de Tampa Bay – 18/10/22 – Pourquoi ne pouvez-vous pas jouer pendant 60 minutes ? Édition

#Le score de la boîte

[Full stats at NHL.com](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022020053) ##Scoreboard – Finale :((( Equipe | 1 | 2 | 3 | Total —|—|—-|—- |—- PHI [](/r/dépliants) | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 ##Équipe de notation | Buteur | Descriptif | Aide 1 | Aide 2 | Période | Heure —-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—-|—- TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | STAMKOS !!!! (5) | PP, laser | Députés (3) | Kucherov (4) | 2e | 1:25 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | STAMKOS !!!! (6) | PP, un autre laser Kucherov (5) | Hedmann (3) | 2e | 4:12 PHI [](/r/dépliants) | Laughton (2) | EV, bof | Zamula (1) | Givre (1) | 2e | 10:43 PH [](/r/dépliants) | de Riemsdyk (1) | PP, à bout | Hayes (4) | DeAngelo (3) | 3e | 1:06 PHI [](/r/dépliants) | Cates (1) | EV, chiffre d’affaires horrible | | | 3e | 12:44 ##Équipe des pénalités | Joueur | PIM | Infraction | Période | Temps | But marqué pendant le PP ? —-|—-|—-|—|—|—|—- Les deux | Maroon contre Deslauriers | 5 | Combat | 1er | 9:04 | S.O. TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | COL | 2 | Accrochage | 1er | 12:14 | Pas de PHI [](/r/dépliants) | Konecny ​​| 2 | Haute adhérence | 2e | 1:00 | OUI!!!! Les deux | Perry contre Braun | 5 | Combat | 2e | 2:31 | N/A PHI [](/r/dépliants) | MacEwen | 2 | Ebauche | 2e | 2:31 | OUI!!! TB [](/r/tampabaylightning) | Stamok | 2 | Crochet faible | 3e | 0:25 | Oui :(( PHI [](/r/dépliants) | MacEwen | 2 | Tenir | 3e | 5:34 | Pas de ##Tirs au but Équipe | 1 | 2 | 3 | Total —|—|—-|—-|—- AMP [](/r/dépliants) | 6 | 10 | 8 | 24 To [](/r/tampabaylightning) | 10 | 17 | 12 | 39 Date des prochains jeux | Temps | Adversaire | TV —-|—-|——–|– 21/10/22 | 19h30 | @FLA [](/r/floridapanthers) | ESPN + / Hulu 🙁 22/10/22 | 19h00 | contre NYI [](/r/les insulaires de newyork) | DIM 25/10/22 | 22h30 | @ LA [](/r/losangeleskings) | DIM 26/10/22 | 22h00 | @ANA [](/r/canards d’anaheim) | DIM 29/10/22 | 16h30 | @SJ [](/r/requinssanjos) | SUN #Notes * POUR L’AMOUR DE DIEU BOLTS COMMENCEZ À JOUER COMME UNE VRAIE ÉQUIPE !!!! PLEIN 60 A CHAQUE FOIS !!!!!



  1. iTerraG

    Wake me up in Jan when the team decides it’s time to push for the playoffs

  2. zwar098

    So tired of this lazy, mistake prone hockey at the beginning of the season. Stamkos is the only skater who looks like he cares.

  3. yelpisforsnitches

    1 loss all last season after leading going into the 3rd. No chemistry so far this season, everything just feels..off

  4. Cascade99999

    Only Stamkos can score right now

  5. Death2Disney

    Well hopefully Stammer’s hot streak to start the season can keep us afloat until the rest of these fuckers WAKE THE FUCK UP.

  6. MsstatePSH

    gonna be a yikes from me, y’all.

    I think they’ll still be fine but it’s so ugly right now.

    I know it’s the D and he’s not getting support.

    i’m just….concerned about Vasy.

  7. toolschism

    Jesus fucking christ that was a frustrating as fuck loss.

    FUCK. Fuck you Torts.

  8. aisle18gamer

    Feels like 3 years of finals runs is catching up with them. I know they’ll look better as the year progresses. They did this last year, too. Just hard to watch.

  9. bradjr10

    0/10 not having a fun time right now

  10. guardrya

    Pour one out for: Palat, Gourde, Johnson, Goodrow, Coleman, Shattenkirk, McDonagh, Schenn, Savard, Rutta, and Joseph.

    Season is over everyone, sound the alarms. /s

  11. MrSCR23

    What waste of a great night for Stammer. By the way the offense only coming from him on the PP is not sustainable. Come on guys, September has ended, wake up and play!

  12. Bolts_Big_Cat

    Either one of Stamkos as Captain or Cooper has to make a change. The entire team looks disorganized or just not giving a fuck.

  13. The_Lone_Couier

    I feel like I should get a refund for sitting through that shit

  14. mwGuardBum

    Stammer has looked amazing this year. That’s the only positive I can think.

  15. Nealsporin

    Fuck torts cross check defense plan and fuck the refs for being scared he’ll yell at them if they call it. Cooper questions refs and make team pay for it all season but torts straight up trash talks them and they bow down

  16. Rookie NHL defenseman in his first game plays awful coverage and we get scored on.

    Then Cernak, our usually most trusted d-man, turns the puck over in the worst possible way, and we get scored on again.

    But it’s game 4. Clean up the passing and other stuff, and hopefully we can score 5v5.

  17. Getting those Stamkos vs. the World, 2013 bolts vibes. Boys should be and need to be better than this. Not worried yet

  18. Different year… same story. Always with the slow lazy starts. Remember the first stretch of games last year?

  19. Clunt-Baby

    At this point i’ll consider the season a success is Stamkos wins the Richard Trophy

  20. MonarchChonarch

    It’s a cycle of I can take a step back because I know the next guy can pick up the slack for me… and it never happens. Then Stamkos comes along, does his job and everybody’s like fuck, if he’s gonna do it, why should I do anything. I think the clearest visual of nobody giving a fuck was when Heddy skated back to avoid a shot block and guess what? IT WENT IN. This is fucking pathetic and something needs to change and it better start in leadership or else it’s gonna be like this all season

  21. vette322

    Need to get their shit together for Friday night in Sunrise – I live in SoFL and go to every Bolts game here and hate when they lose to the kitty-kats.

  22. Allen_Koholic

    I’m beginning to think Tampa traded the wrong defenseman with a long contract. Sergechev out there looking like a Lions’ quarterback with all those turnovers. I don’t think a season of him paired with Cernak will work. It’s only …seven more seasons, right?

  23. Btmarine88

    We don’t seem very physical on the forecheck, maybe Cirelli will bring some energy…love the bolts but we need some more intensity.⚡️⚡️

  24. Cycles_wp

    I’m happy for Stamkos amazing YTD, but this season definitely has a fell off feel to it, and even making the playoffs doesn’t seem to be a reality right now

  25. Lansdallius

    Still way too early to panic, but I’m not seeing a whole lot of reason to be optimistic either. Stamkos can’t be the whole offense.

    It might be time to start playing with the lines a bit. We already can’t stop losing, so maybe try to create some chemistry and some new matchups.

  26. VoidsansHalcyon

    Man. I thought we had this game. I need some of these other guys to be shooting more and less “fancy” passing.

  27. agulde28

    Maybe this loss will be a wake up call and gets them going. If losing to the flyers doesn’t, idk what will.

  28. Final_Bobcat_7232

    Lightning definitely had their chances. Seemed like too many passengers tonight, especially after going up 2-0. Hart was solid for the Flyers. Ditto with Vasy. Awful turnover to lose the game, brutal. Need Cirelli back sooner than later, miss his intensity. GO BOLTS!

  29. Etheryelle

    How’s the JBB decision making going for us?

    Miss McD

  30. dolewhiplash

    Cirelli can not come back soon enough

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