@Kraken de Seattle

‘Hissez vos couleurs’ 2ème tentative

La foule semblait toujours confuse



  1. bleedsorange23

    Was this right before the 3rd? I was at the opener and everyone was so bummed out about the Mariners loss/Kraken down 5-0…gotta read the room a bit.

  2. This is a much better idea than the hanging banners at center ice.

  3. They really struggled to get it “hoisted” — took a good 30 seconds to get it unstuck.

    Why wouldn’t they hoist an actual flag on the outside of the arena, like on the roof, and send a camera out to show it?

  4. Illustrious-Meeting7

    Quit already. Could we just see some hockey. Artificial attempts to amp the crowd are insulting

  5. rpm2shea

    This is a dumb idea for the third period. Raising flags, passing them around sections, etc is a before the game activity. I get they’re trying stuff, but this is lame.

  6. I know crowd pandering works for other sports but most hockey fans don’t seem to like this kind of thing. We don’t need to hold a huge cloth with other fans to enjoy our experience at games.

  7. DaHealey

    They clearly read the feedback and are trying something different. I agree this would work better before the game starts, but it’s an improvement.

  8. PalebloodPervert

    Admittedly, it was better than the first time

  9. rockinm

    Better, in the same way that drinking sour milk is better than drinking dishwashing detergent.

    What this DOES tell us is that the original thing had no adult in the room to tell people why it wouldn’t work. A team of professionals shouldn’t have to use trial-and-error on something that obviously cost a reasonable amount of money yet was a demonstrably bad idea.

    (Now is when I find out that this was the dying idea of a Make-A-Wish kid or something, and feel horrible about it.)

  10. kanjiklubbin

    #1 they need to edit the song to be shorter and get to the punch quicker, people were cheering at first but they dragged it waaaaay out.

    #2 the fucking arena announcer started yelling over the PA and dialed back the audio volume on the bass drop

    #3 no one had any clue where the giant flag was since everyone was watching for the banners to drop and they didn’t. So it took a while to figure it out. It’s not that fucking complicated, why are they making it so difficult?

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