@Kraken de Seattle

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blues contre Kraken – 19 octobre 2022

Justin Faulk a inscrit deux buts, dont le vainqueur de l’OT et Vladimir Tarasenko a ajouté trois aides alors que les Blues de St. Louis ont battu le Seattle Kraken 4-3.


  1. No wins on the first home stand? Rough. We'll take the one point. Congrats to Shane Wright on recording his first point in the NHL. Here's to many more to come.

    Good game Blues. On to the Mile High City.

  2. Все только и говорят про Овечкина и его рекорды, а Володя просто свою работу делает. Ему сегодня в напарники Бучневича не хватало.

  3. The advertising all of the place, including on the players looks great, it's like some confused website from 1995. Haha

  4. Есть же хорошие вратари. Что за контракт -держать игрока, игра которого не соответствует зарплате?

  5. Was great to see Kyrou playing both sides of the puck. On top of the one goal, he was hustling and stripping pucks away on the backcheck and blocking shots… kid has always had flash but he's turning into a legitimate well rounded player. And Vladdy now with 3 assists and 2 goals in his first 2 games, not a bad start!

  6. Гарна гра від блюзменів, але Кракен, явно кращий ніж минулого сезону

  7. Tank and Breadman both are 2,5 points per game, good enough for league lead. Hope they keep it up and make it to the Hart talks. McD and Matthews are boring

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