@Wild du Minnesota

Pourquoi ne pas faire ça pour Reverse Retro ?? Mais aux couleurs sauvages

Pourquoi ne pas faire ça pour Reverse Retro ?? Mais aux couleurs sauvages



  1. Otterslayer22

    Or just like that. I’d love to see the blue and gold for a game or 2.

  2. EETFUK68

    Fighting Saints but Wild colors would be awesome.


    Because the ppl who run the design department are too afraid they’ll offend the idiots who can’t go five minutes without saying “member the Norff Starsth”

    Incoming downvotes by ppl who I described 😋

  4. That was the logo of the very first team I was on in Mites.

  5. sufferlander

    nhl doesn’t know what that is.

  6. stagarmssucks

    I think it should be the alternate jersey.

  7. JimmyFly1028

    This would be awesome but with how popular that first run was, I can see why they chose to stick with it.

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