@Flames de Calgary

Avant-match | Lucic – 20.10.22

« Comme le temps passe vite, vous y pensez dans son ensemble. »


  1. I've noticed Milan's skating. His first 3 strides seem more explosive and he reads the play so well, he's very effective in disrupting the other teams efforts.

  2. Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark, they shoot bees at you?

  3. Never seen him more happier and great start. He’s a hard worker and grinder and we need guys like him for success to do the dirty work and tough jobs. Hope he retires in cgy. I use to have doubts about him and wanting to trade him but he’s all heart and he will fight for his teammates . Hope he has a great year.

  4. When we traded him for Neal, I was so happy, looch is so vital to this team and I hope we can re-sign him on a 2 yr deal for $3mill (1.5/yr) after this year.

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