@Stars de Dallas

Kyle Dubas bouche « F * ck Me » après le but des Stars de Dallas

#Demande téléchargée par Alyssa Hope Channel Lien : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. He should be more worried about how soft the Leafs are. He built a team with players that don't stand up for themselves or their teammates with very limited exceptions.

  2. I don't know why he'd be mad, they had the refs on their knees all game. A point is a point, but you can tell when a ref is a local.

  3. Kinda hard to tell. Initially I thought Seguin ran the goalie, then on first replay I was like, oh it's Marner. 3rd time around I look at the skates, Marner is trying to stop, Seguin isn't really. I think Seggy got away with a bit of a sneaky play here.

    As a fan that hates clawed back goals, I'm good with it. This isn't like Kadri "accidentally" injuring someone or anything dirty. Smart play if he took advantage of the situation to give Marner a little push and make the goal.

  4. Hey Zeus fishing, Right?
    worse than that have been disallowed. however I think it's a good goal.

  5. Remove coach's reviews. keep the garbage refs accountable and make them call accurately on the play instead of having a bailout. fucking garbage league lately

  6. can someone explain why its not ok to push a guy into their own goalie if you can't stand your ground that's your fault

  7. When you build a team around schmucks like Matthews and Marner, you have no chance.

  8. Look at Marners reaction when the call is reversed. His body language says yup I got caught.

  9. As a fan of neither team, definely looks like seguin just crosschecked Marner into the goalie. I have no idea how that goal stood

  10. The Leafs were given power plays all night long. What's he crying about lol.

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