@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Maple Leafs de Toronto font de GRANDS changements dans leur composition avant le match 3 ! Répartition complète

Dans cette vidéo, je passe en revue toutes les dernières nouvelles et notes concernant les Maple Leafs de Toronto. J’utilise des statistiques avancées, des citations, des informations contextuelles et une analyse du plafond salarial pour tout décomposer !


  1. I think we see slightly more of a physical edge from Matthews tonight with Clifford and Simmonds out of the lineup

  2. Kerfoot is better with Matthews and Marner then Bunting change my mind

    He does almost all the same things except Kerf is fast

  3. I wanna see our D step up and push the lightning around like in game 1. Frustrated them a ton and really generated a lot for us.

  4. So for first game in Tampa we go with the least physical line-up possible . I'm sure Tampa will hold off in respect eh ?

  5. I feel like Justin Holl is a hit or miss. There are some games I love him and other games I wonder why he isn't on the Marlies. I feel like Justin Holl needs someone of the bench designated to constantly remind him that he is 6'4", nearly 200 lbs and can move a body at will.

  6. Last two games have been interesting for sure. Big guys have shown up for us but we need more out of our depth. Hopefully some adjustments here will help is stack up better against the bolts. We knew this was going to be daunting going into this and it's become just that. Time for battle buds

  7. Omg this lineup is so soft AF, even more so now with that 4th line that makes no sense.

  8. I think they should leave he defense as is and I would like to see spezza but I would like to leave the 3 line as is with mik, Blackwell and engvall. I agree the 4 line will be tricky to determine but I think Kase, Spezza and Simmonds would be worth a look. But you make a valid point about the identity. Who is opted out? Kase – no, kampf has been playing well, so would Simmonds be the odd man out and go with 4 scoring lines… we need some grit and checking ppl in the line up hence the checking line lol

  9. Why the f*** did they bring in holl, for lilijgren… makes 0 sense oh my I have 0 confidence in tonight’s game now.

  10. This is NOT good!! Holl is too slow and can't hit anyone who already blew past him. Putting nylander with J.T. only hurts J.T. and the team. I'm going to guess Sandin is not ready yet. Dear God I hope I'm wrong.

  11. Love the lineup tonight. Engvall on 4th line and having a real scoring 2nd line makes us better. Basically, not needing enforcement because the refs do their job, and we can really make a run with this team.

  12. Always great analysis. We're Leaf fans, but the metrics don't care. Analytics is an emotionless process of assessing results and probability. The Leafs are not a team tough kind of team. They just aren't. That doesn't mean their wimps. You can finish your check, and take a hit to make a play without being a "tough guy". If Dubas wanted to transform this team into a tough team, he would have gone out and signed/traded for players to play on his top 3 lines who can play a regular shift, score 20 and throw their weight around. Play two tough guys on a 4th line isn't going to cut it. Simmons and Clifford struggled to crack the line up during the regular season, so they're not players I'd bank on at this time of year.

    This team just completed their most successful campaign in franchise history. They should stick to the things that they employed to accomplish this. At this point, it's win with skill, or bust. If it doesn't work, the next Leaf regime will need to figure out how to fix this.

  13. Is this the year Holl blocks shots and clears the front of the net? Or does he continue to turtle and block his goalie's view of the puck?

  14. What happens when Holl takes a shit in game and he’s now stuck…. I hope this is to rest Timmy!

  15. Interesting approach from the Leafs going into this game. I really hope they can figure out how to remain disciplined and not allow Tampa to get under their skin and dictate the pace. Either way Go Leafs Go!!!!!

  16. Yes but it was Wayne Smmionds Penalities that killed ANY chance to win game 2 particularly the one that lead to the 3-1 goal, prior to that they has made it 2-1 and had all the momentum and then Simmonds decided to be an idiot and take that away.

  17. Not a smart move with Holl despite the logic with his penalty killing abilities. I think the refs are gonna put the whistles away in Tampa and Leafs have zero enforcers in the lineup.

  18. In my opinion that's an awful choice to bring in holl. Im also kind of worried about a lineup with no toughness. Hopefully we can still push back with who's in the lineup but I'm not loving these changes at all.

  19. The eye test on Holl… isn’t great for me.. gives me the feels of Aki Berg or Cory Cross… calling it now he will costs a goal or game.. gardiner comes to mind… forward line up looks good!

  20. Nope Lilly was getting man handled that was obvious. Cliff will need to go back in at some point. Tips up do not collapse when under pressure stay aggressive and seal half the pad in F zone. This is the way

  21. Dzone no collapse stay active and let's get this game at all costs.

  22. I guess the hope is maybe we take it on the chin physically this game but get a few extra power plays in and some more skill on the 4th. Will see if that's the right call. Glad to see Spezza in though.. maybe he can spark the second pp unit to.

  23. I'm sorry,but putting Holl in the lineup is a mistake,I'm sure he will find a way to lose the game for the Leafs tonight…..😑🏒🥅

  24. I’m not a fan of Justin hall, But for the leafs sake I hope he has a good game, you just never know with him.
    Glad Spezza is in and hope he can generate some goals and momentum. Big test for the leafs tonight

  25. I totally agree with what you said about Simmonds.

    The Leafs are always accused of having no grit, no heart, no fight…
    Simmonds goes out, gets tough, and does his thing… he took 2 penalties… there were so many other penalties, and we maybe even got away with a couple. Somebody goes out and provides more tough, and more grit, and more heart… and gets accused of having no discipline…
    Sure he could tighten it up, but hes had a very important role the past 2 games.. one that maybe only shows up on the PIM box. He doesn't deserve to sit, you always need your "grinders"

  26. If the refs deviate from the established precedent, you’re right; it would throw the entire series into flux. It would mean that, rather than games 1 & 2, periods 1 & 2 would instead serve as the litmus test (i.e inconsistency would disrupt the rhythm considerably). At any rate, I think the leafs understand that it’s best to err on the side of caution. Avoid the risk. In light of this, Tampa will likely attempt to exploit any trepidation. This is why I expect an (especially) fast & physical game from Tampa; big hits, high pressure, home crowd momentum, high stakes. A loss could be demoralizing if not handled well and a win would cement our position as front runners. Can’t wait for the game Go Leafs!

  27. I guarantee that the whistles will be put away tonight and Perry and Maroon will run wild.

    Keefe just needs to ice the best LEAFS team, not over adjust either way. I feel Keefe my be over thinking. Little advantage to Cooper experience playing out here.
    Also, praying that Tavares wakes up is not a good bet. We know what he is. Face off wins and PP net from bang ins. I think 5v5 he should be demoted. He is no longer a play driver. He needs to be a defensive forward 5v5 and excel at it. He is no longer an offensive threat 5v5.

    Please prove me wrong and take 2 in Tampa!

  28. Break up muzzin and brodie last game it was playing peewee defence…Get rid of muzzin he makes everyone look bad. They need to stay out of penalty. Play the game the way it should be.

  29. No simmonds…no clifford….YIKES…..Leaf softies will cower tonite and thats most of them. Also why are they trying to improve 4th line…that means less ice time from our top lines. Tampa is now licking their chops.. I predict a major punishment and this will be like watching Canada beat up on Russian team like the olden days. Good luck on this one and i hope nobody gets hurt for game 4.

  30. FFS. No Clfford or Simmons? At Gm 1 in Tampa? Are you retarded Sheldon or what? WTAF? Guess you want meathead Maroon running your guys all night. Good call . NOT!! You'll see or I'll eat my hat.

  31. Even with a G2 win, Tavares line still not optimized & Nylander and him never have been a great fit. What do you think of
    Bunting-Matthews-Kase…down on some high end chemistry, but Matthews can drive it
    Blackwell-Tavares-Marner….Blackwell energy, tap old Marner-Tavares cycle chemistry
    Nylander-Kerfoot-Spezza….Nylander/Kerfoot chemistry and speed plus sneaky vet
    Engvall-Kampf-Mikhayev….agree with your assessment, they’re awesome
    …roll them at five on five and load up as needed

    Would also like your opinion of why Nylander and Matthews aren’t tried on the same line more often 5v5, again to free up Marner for Tavares. Do you think Spezza has enough gas in the tank to play line 1 or 2 for a game or two each series? Really think Tavares needs a better passer to play with to get his net front/cycle game working.

  32. Looks like the line-up tweak worked out great! 4th line and Spezza looked amazing. Spezza has gotta be there again for Game Four!

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