@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nouvelles et notes sur les Maple Leafs de Toronto avant le premier match : mises à jour sur les blessures, répartition de la composition et plus encore !

Dans cette vidéo, je passe en revue toutes les dernières nouvelles et notes concernant les Maple Leafs de Toronto. J’utilise des statistiques avancées, des citations, des informations contextuelles et une analyse du plafond salarial pour tout décomposer !


  1. I'm kind of torn about Kase in the lineup. We need the best lineup possible and I really believe he's part of our best lineup. I'm just not sure how responsible is it to toss a guy with concussion history into the playoff lineup days after taking off the non contact jersey.

  2. congrats on everything dude! love what you do, you're one on my most watched channels, keep up the good work bro!

  3. I'm a little concerned that we got the blender out for game1.. kerfoot LW1, Micky JT kase.. I mean how much ice time do these lines have together..< I'm not sure.. do we have enough sample size to say this is going to be effective.. no spezza i dunno guess we gotta see what blackwell can bring… I feel like we are 1 injury away from going into desperation mode and putting JT Mitch and Matthew's together… that line is bad for my blood pressure…

  4. Why Kerfoot on the topline the 2nd half of the season the guy has been a 4th liner playing on the 2nd. I wish there was a way to see how many points he had in the last 30 games

  5. i usually listen to guys like Steve Dangle or the hockey guy and seen your vids pop up every now and then, sometimes i would watch… but noticed myself watching you more and more because of how you break down everything and do the analytic work that i don't have the patience to look at myself. you have become a pleasant surprise, i definitely see your channel growing fast the more you keep putting out these videos and you have my support. Good Job man. keep it up.

  6. I’m glad Holl is not in the lineup. Great to see Kase back and hopefully he stays healthy. Spezza out is a good thing as he can get some more rest for when injuries start.

  7. Definitely thought you had alot more subs. Your content is fantastic, keep up the good work 👏

  8. Leafs are intimidated by the Lightning, way too small and soft of a team, the Lightning aren’t shaking their legs when Tavares, Nylander, and Kerfoot touches the ice

  9. Campbell was bad when the defence was much worse. Campbell with a good defence in front of him is really good.

  10. Nylander is better suited to be on a line with Engval and or Mikheyev. Tavares is too slow for him. Nylander needs to be flying to be at his best.

  11. Leafs played well for sure. Refs tried to make the game about them and they succeeded. Imagine a sport where the refs can and will try their very best to suck the intensity out of a game in the playoffs no less. Disgusting ref-ing. Sad really. Go Leafs Go!!!!!!!! w8ing 50yrs. been a fan since i was 8. Seems like I've been waiting forever. Oh w8 nvm mind that last bit. Peace and love.

  12. Swayed now Steve? First game checked all the boxes, Tampa will come back angry for G2 though!

  13. Just one guy's opinion … you may hate asking for subscribers, but if you don't ask for yourself, who else is going to do it? You work hard, bring insights through analytics and pick areas to focus on that dont appear on the beaten path. You bring value for a lot of us, and when you do that, you earn the right to ask for our support. Ask away, and keep up the good work!!

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