@Canucks de Vancouver

Entretien avec Jimothy Timothy 👌

Entretien avec Jimothy Timothy 👌




  1. workthrowawaybro

    I don’t even care to hear his words.

    Deport him

  2. Bowiescorvat2

    You guys are way too reactionary. Every player in the league makes mistakes. I see the reaction of this sub after every goal by opposition. « Trade the entire team » « fire sale » « this organization is hot trash »

    Y’all have every right to be mad but holy shit.. Give it a god damn rest. Ive watched every single game this season amd were not getting blown out, shut out or severely out played like the last 8 seasons. This team actually fights pretty damn hard. Their main issue is consistency and thats not just on JT its the entire team. Pettersson, Horvat and Hughes are guilty of giveaways and miscues just as much as Miller is. This team plays better than any canucks team I’ve seen since 2012. They just need to learn consistency and shit will start going in the right direction.

    Miller isnt the problem. The entire team playing great hockey for 40 minutes and dog shit hockey for 20 minutes is the problem. The weak defense is the problem.

  3. Bittroffm

    DiReCt QuOte: “We
Our record isn’t where we want it to be
and we’re happy

  4. ProphetofElias

    I’ve watched almost every game since 2007. This does not look nearly as bad as the Willie D era. They are playing better hockey all around, they just have mental lapses that result in breakdowns teams capitalize on. It’s not a skill issue but a mental toughness issue and a bit of luck. Some forget this is a game played on ice with a small round frozen piece of rubber. There is a degree of randomness many perceive as ‘luck’. Once this team completes a few wins, I think we will see a completely different vibe.

    Not saying we are at all the same as St Louis but don’t forget they were bottom-feeding in December before winning the cup. This stretch sucks, but it’s not impossible for the talent we have to turn this around.

    I might also suggest that its clear mgmt still has work to do, particularly on the back end, but the team isn’t playing the majority of the time in the way that the standings indicate.

  5. superworking

    Jimmy Timmy needs to think positive. We’re not gonna turn it around by convincing him he sucks believe it or not.

  6. CheesecakeMurky7800

    Uhhh he’s Johnathan Tonathan now …gosh

  7. Silent-Incident6118

    I remember last season when Petey was having a tough time. In interviews, JT was great about it. He was understanding and positive about the situation even if Petey could cost the Canucks some games. I appreciate how JT seems to be a balanced and charitable person. Even if his play has not been great in the few games he’s played, I’d like to think that charity and respect should be reciprocated.

  8. steven09763

    Meh . Here for the long run . Bet .

  9. “Blah blah blah blah..blah..blah blah, blah blah

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