@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion d’après-match : Buffalo Sabres contre Vancouver Canucks – 22 octobre 2022

Victoire des Sabres : 5 – 1




  1. Icommentoncrap

    Nice to have a game where we don’t give up 40 shots. Andy put in his work tonight but didn’t need to stand on his head for the whole game which was nice. Also great to see the sabres winning and looking good out there too absolutely destroying the Canucks

  2. Squally93

    I have no idea what to do with my hands!

  3. MoneybagsMcghee

    The night and day difference between Dahlin peak Granato vs. peak Krueger is insane. He’s easily one of the best defenseman in the league right now 100%. 2 years ago he was looking bustable

  4. realbooN

    Buffalo undefeated vs everything except South Florida.

  5. 3rdEyeJoker

    This road trip has been amazing, but damn did the nucks team look defeated

  6. GuybrushThreepwood94

    Another solid win. Really hope Samuelsson is ok. That injury looked bad.

  7. OpabiniaGlasses

    Praying to God, Vishnu, Ra, Joseph Smith, Muhammed, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Satan, Lord Xeno, Zeus, Odin, Lord of Light, the Shinto spirit in the tree outside your house, Nyarlathotep, Chernobog, Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, Keoahikamakaua, Jar’Edo Wens, Mangar-kunjer-kunja, Birrahgnooloo and any and all deities that are listening to spare Samuelsson’s knee.

  8. incaseshesees

    Nice win, we looked good. Thoughts for Samuelson Jesus what a bummer, feel bad for the guy, hoping for the best. Upside is I felt like we look generally pretty in control of this contest.

  9. King-of-the-idiots69

    I’m sorry victor and I’m sorry Manchester by the sea or whatever your user name was (won’t apologize about the plus minus thing)

  10. DwarfWizard

    Feels good we won. Feels horrible because we all know what it is like to be in Vancouver’s position.

    I’m gonna say it. I think the Sabres are the real deal after this game. I’v been not wanting to say it but god damn the guys didn’t stop fighting even when they were up 4 goals. They just kept firing.

  11. Zarg0n7

    Hell of a game tonight. They’re looking better every game and more comfortable with each other. They mostly look like they’re having fun, and that’s huge. I’m still gonna keep my expectations at a reasonable level, but damn I’m just excited to watch them be an exciting and competitive team this season.

  12. AnAngryAnimal

    It would appear yet another team has been Rasmussed. How embarrassing

  13. Kyleinthewild41

    Another good game from pretty much everyone. Bryson looked incredible in our own end

  14. adolce95

    All thoughts turn to Samuelsson. Hopefully it’s a hyper extension or something and not a tear.

  15. Sabres-Fan

    that’s how you finish boys!, hell of a game 🙂

  16. seeldoger47

    The Sabres would make the playoffs if they played in the Pacific and they wouldn’t need the wildcard to qualify.

  17. JitzChimp

    « HeRrRrReeeeeeee comes the Buffaloooo Sabresss! »

  18. Rockhardwood

    Vancouver fans acting like they lost to the sabres of the last 10 years, and not the WAGON they played tonight

  19. Well that was worth staying up late for…

    Also who do you think will lose their second game first – Bills or the Sabres?

  20. ThePeteVenkman

    Dahlin is so fucking good. Dude nearly snagged a shot out of the air like Miagi catching a fly with a pair of chopsticks.

  21. sunyoung-luna

    Sabres looked great tonight! Feel awful for Samuelsson hopefully he gets better soon.

    Also oof those Canucks fans were booing their team hard. I swear I’ve been to worse Sabres home games and everyone has still cheered them on to the end.

    Regardless I hope we win this next game and sweep the road trip.

  22. incaseshesees

    I think it’s worth noting that Middlestat and Olofson seems better, Olof with 3pts, Mitts looking more relevant the past couple games, great to see it.

  23. Barmacist

    Like, what the hell is going on? Every player looks good and is playing as a team. They’ve never done that before.

    And this burying opponents shit is just weird!.

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