@Canadiens de Montréal

Notre rétro inversé sur glace

Notre rétro inversé sur glace



  1. dadoudelidou

    Oh nice !

    I wans’t sure at first but it looks sweat on ourt short king !

    Edit: and how NOW it’s fucking possible to have the RBC patch to blend in … it pisses me off.

  2. Emer1929

    The photo shop job on this photo was impressive to watch.

  3. gingeshady

    Oh so RBC CAN change their logo to fit a jersey fuck

  4. habs_lifer

    Can’t get used to that damn RBC logo

  5. LoneWolf9218

    Why couldn’t they have added a tiny bit of red to the jerseys (and socks), would have taken this kit from meh to God tier.

  6. KingMonaco

    Hmm idk. Missing some red. Especially since we’re keeping the same bleu blanc rouge pants? God damn is Molson really that cheap? Even last year the pants weren’t the same shade as the jersey.

  7. DarthLordDonkey

    I’ll be so annoyed if they have RBC patches with no colour that they don’t/can’t use on the regular sweaters.

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