@Red Wings de Détroit

Discussion d’après-match : Devils du New Jersey contre Red Wings de Détroit – 25 octobre 2022

[NHL Box Score](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2022020102) # Box Score Team | 1er | 2e | 3e | Finale :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/diables) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 # Statistiques d’équipe ÉQUIPE | OBJECTIFS | PIM | COUPS | PP | FO% | TIRS BLOQUÉS | À EMPORTER | CADEAUX | HITS :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—:
[](/r/diables) | 6 | 6 | 41 | 1/1 | 56,9 | 13 | 2 | 13 | 16
[](/r/detroitredwings) | 2 | 2 | 22 | 0/3 | 43.1 | 11 | 3 | 16 | 29 # PÉRIODE Résumé des scores | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | FORCE | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 1 | 02:56 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Dylan Larkin (4) Tip-In, passes décisives : Dominik Kubalik (6), Adam Erne (2) 1 | 11h25 | [](/r/diables) | Même | Dawson Mercer (3) Snap Shot, passes décisives : John Marino (3), Ryan Graves (2) 1 | 15:16 | [](/r/diables) | Même | Jack Hughes (2) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Jesper Bratt (9), Damon Severson (2) 2 | 00:43 | [](/r/diables) | Jeu de pouvoir | Jesper Bratt (2) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Jack Hughes (3), Dougie Hamilton (3) 2 | 04:54 | [](/r/diables) | Short Handed | Yegor Sharangovich (2) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Ryan Graves (3) 3 | 08:17 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Même | Dominik Kubalik (4) Snap Shot, passes décisives : Robert Hagg (2), Michael Rasmussen (4) 3 | 15:38 | [](/r/diables) | Même | Nico Hischier (3) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Tomas Tatar (1) 3 | 16:27 | [](/r/diables) | Même | Jesper Bratt (3) Tir du poignet, passes décisives : Michael McLeod (2) # Résumé des pénalités PÉRIODE | HEURE | ÉQUIPE | TYPE | PROCÈS-VERBAL | DESCRIPTIF :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :—: | :— 2 | 00:35 | [](/r/detroitredwings) | Mineur | 2 | Robert Hagg Delaying Game – Puck over glass 2 | 04:41 | [](/r/diables) | mineur | 2 | Jonas Siegenthaler contre-vérification contre Dominik Kubalik 2 | 19:27 | [](/r/diables) | Mineur | 2 | Alexander Holtz Tripping contre David Perron 3 | 03:37 | [](/r/diables) | Mineur | 2 | Damon Severson Delaying Game – Rondelle sur verre

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  1. zze0001

    Gave away the puck like it was candy on Halloween. All three zones were terrible. One to forget for sure. So many poor performances not worth calling out individuals. Silver lining Kuby stays hot.

  2. nemoV12


  3. Wednesday better be nothing but passing drills, holy shit.

  4. kar132435

    Man, Ned has me severely questioning this 1A/1B thing…

  5. AFreePeacock

    Great game by the devils, the boys unfortunately had no swag

    (With a couple exceptions)

  6. myroommateisgarbage

    Not our best showing. Hopefully they’re saving all the good hockey for Boston.

  7. GuyUnknownMusic

    We will beat Boston because of this.

  8. ILoveSeider69

    Seider and Raymond need to step up. This has been unacceptable all season. Our stars need to be our stars and, aside from Larkin, we haven’t seen that all season

    Props to Maatta and Kubalik, but if they’re our stars (along with a near 30 year old Larkin), then we probably need to extend the rebuild a few years and get lottery luck

    The best players don’t have sophomore slumps like this

  9. jaredsurreddit

    A loss was inevitable, but that was awful.

  10. PrinceTyke


    [Light the Lamp](https://streamable.com/y2th2h)

    **1st Period**

    [NJD 0 | **DET 1** – (2:56) Larkin (4) – Assists: Kubalik (6), Erne (2)](https://streamable.com/zmc5fp)

    [Soda Doin Some Stuff](https://streamable.com/m4o81b)

    [Ned Save in Close](https://streamable.com/pkujd4)

    [**NJD 1** | DET 1 – (11:25) Mercer (3) – Assists: Marino (3), Graves (2)](https://streamable.com/ajxkhr)

    [**NJD 2** | DET 1 – (15:16) Hughes (2) – Assists: Haula (1), Bratt (9)](https://streamable.com/cw2tcl)

    **2nd Period**

    [Detroit Minor Penalty (Hägg, Delay of Game)](https://streamable.com/erc34h)

    [**NJD 3** | DET 1 – (0:43) Bratt (2) (PP) – Assists: Hughes (3), Hamilton (3)](https://streamable.com/f11fzj)

    [New Jersey Minor Penalty (Siegenthaler, Cross Checking)](https://streamable.com/0ptwzz)

    [**NJD 4** | DET 1 – (4:54) Sharangovich (2) (SH) – Assist: Graves (3)](https://streamable.com/p6ft50)

    [Ned Sticks With It](https://streamable.com/vtgipv)

    [Hägg Hits Wood From Behind](https://streamable.com/dnbmm6)

    [New Jersey Minor Penalty (Holtz, Tripping)](https://streamable.com/6ym4yd)

    **3rd Period**

    [New Jersey Minor Penalty (Severson, Delay of Game)](https://streamable.com/m0tdlu)

    [Sunny Can’t Bang it Home](https://streamable.com/otxchv)

    [NJD 4 | **DET 2** – (8:17) Kubalik (4) – Assists: Hägg (2), Rasmussen (4)](https://streamable.com/d5nxb4)

    [Ned Escapes a Hamilton 1 on 0](https://streamable.com/sdd5jh)

    [Zetterlund Goes Between the Legs, Ned Saves](https://streamable.com/y1eblz)

    [**NJD 5** | DET 2 – (15:38) Hischier (3) – Assist: Tatar (1)](https://streamable.com/i1gcyt)

    [**NJD 6** | DET 2 – (16:27) Bratt (3) – Assist: McLeod (2)](https://streamable.com/dcwrlj)

    Check out /r/RedWingsGifs for my clip compilations for each game. Feel free to share! Just give credit.

  11. matt_minderbinder

    Some people need the dose of perspective that this team is still just rounding out a rebuild. Like Buffalo, Ottawa, and NJ, this team will go through stretches where it struggles. Unlike all those teams this team is also working with a new head coach, new assistants (other than Tanguay), new teammates, and brand new systems. We’re also playing without 2 or 3 of our top 6. Last year’s great rookies are also struggling and I’m sure the new systems and changed lines aren’t helping. It’s the 6th game of the season, not some sign out of revelations foretelling the apocalypse.

  12. Educational_Series68

    Just flush that game down the toilet and come back strong Thursday in Boston. 🚽 🪠

  13. redwingsHELLyea

    Did Anyone tell them they didn’t lose in regulation or did they let it get to them

  14. Wrath_Of_Aguirre

    Damn we looked good.

    …For the first 3 minutes of the game. Then it was a torrential downpour of diarrhea.

  15. MoldyMerkin

    Tamper your expectations. We’ve got a young team with a lot to learn. Every team, no matter how skilled and cohesive, has off nights. Let’s focus on kicking the shit out of Boston now.

  16. TheVikingTh0r

    There’s always 1 Howard each year. The goalie we decide to play poorly in front of. Guess that’s you this year Ned!

  17. redwingsHELLyea

    I love to see pretty plays but there come a time where that puck comes on ur stick or before it gets there u just shoot

  18. jimboknows6916

    well, bad games happen, even to the best teams. Arizona smoked Toronto the other day. it happens.

    gotta have a big bounce back showing. ESPECIALLY from raymond and seider. we gotta have those guys.

  19. coltron57

    Regression to the mean personified. A lot of Detroit’s underlying numbers suggested this team wasn’t as good as their record said and tonight was a harsh correction. I tend to comment more about my criticisms because I feel there’s always a strong amount of optimism and my optimistic views are already talked about a lot, but I want to look at positives right now.

    Kubalik has been incredible thus far. Working hard and producing big time. Chiarot has brought a much needed physical edge. Määttä has been even better than I anticipated and I imagine that has contributed towards Hronek (someone I normally am not a big fan of) looking better thus far. Perron has brought some grit and skill on special teams. Husso has shown signs of looking more like 2021-22 Husso and not 2020-21 Husso. Things are looking up, but there will be hills and valleys and not every day will be sunshine.

    EDIT: I do want to clarify that I’m not some doomer pessimist, but rather trying to keep myself grounded and not letting hope and expectations get out of hand for myself.

  20. CalgaryCheekClapper

    That was prime 2021-22 wings. Minus raymond and seider being good

  21. I’m eager to see how they rebound after a loss like this under Lalonde

  22. TheFiddlerSIN

    Rather have these kind of games now than during the playoffs 😀just got to bounce back against the Bruins in two days. LGRW

  23. Wolverwings

    Raymond and Hronek need to sit for a night. Time to use our 2 open roster spots and make a couple short-term call-ups.

  24. DylanLarkinsAss

    It is still too early to judge, but Copp has been extremely disappointing. I get that he started late and missed camp, but the guy is completely invisible. Let’s hope that we’re not adding his name to the list of complete shit “second line” centers the Wings have had over the past 6-7 years.

    Weiss, Nielsen, Filpulla (second tour), Copp?..Yeesh. The Wings have not had two top six centers since Z and Dats.

  25. TheNation55

    Nothing like being fully rested and getting completely dumpstered by a team on a back to back. Absolutely *no one* knew or understood their assignment tonight. Hopefully Lalonde has some children’s passing drills he can work them through the next practice. Ned becoming an almost guaranteed goal if the shooter has him alone is looking like it’s going to be a permanent thing.

  26. BenAdaephonDelat

    There’s a reason Lalonde was emphasizing pumping the breaks. The analytics didn’t match our record. Just had stellar goaltending and above average compete levels. So this was an expected regression.

    Sucks that we had to regress that damn hard though. That was brutal.

  27. PeskyPrussian

    Kubalik is tied with McDavid in scoring

  28. Roostr18

    Ned’s gonna get a lot of hate for that game, and he didn’t have a good game (854 save percentage, woof), but the whole team was awful from front to back for nearly the entire 60 min.

    You aren’t going to win a lot of games where you give up 40 shots (and that many quality scoring chances; ~17 from my count). Not going to win a lot of games with 16 giveaways, never maintaining possession and only producing ~9 scoring chances.

  29. mariogotzebayern

    I love Raymond, but dude seems invisible out there. Hesitant to shoot, gets bounced off the puck easily, and has lots of turnovers. No hate it’s just jarring a bit compared to last season.

  30. non_target_eh

    Some nights we look good. Other nights (like tonight) we look twice as slow, twice as dumb, and twice as unskilled as the other team. Hats off to New Jersey. They were way better than us tonight.

  31. Shotokanguy

    The game was lost when we went up 4-2 and still came out flat. They didn’t need to magically start connecting on every pass, but the skating and reactions were still too slow. I wish I could tell if the problems were more mental or physical, but it had to be mental, right?

  32. ColdSplit

    Weird that the dump and chase was back this game, was that the staff thinking they found something in film or just the team panicking and resorting to muscle memory?

  33. doltron3030

    My newborn had a blowout right when the game ended, pretty much summed it up

  34. KernowRedWings

    Whilst we would’ve come away with an L even if he played out of his mind (tonight wasn’t his fault), I don’t feel *confident* with Ned in net

  35. doltron3030

    This one is on DJ Chachi for playing an awful Six-Flags-theme-song-esque track right before the awful power play before we gave up a shorty. Probably drained all the energy out of our guys and did permanent brain damage to the fans. Chachi is the fucking worst.

  36. oceanic8675

    Guys, we have Mickey Redmond. God we are lucky.

  37. I would like to see more ice time for Soderblom and Veleno.

  38. Wolverwings

    Do people really not think that Raymond and hronek could use a night in the box watching?

    They are both better than any replacements but this is about their development and the future. Their heads are spinning out there right now

  39. O_Gardens

    Suicides. After the game. Miracle style.

  40. Practical_Carrot_960

    What a fart of a game.

  41. SignatureNo1115

    I’ve tried to say this since day 1 of the copp singing but he isn’t a second line center, and we have zadina as one of his wings that’s not helping us at all.

  42. Key-Writer-9416

    My Good lord zadina flipping stinks I said it in preseason he really didn’t look good and everyone called me crazy. He’s played 4 games and has literally do nothing but turn it over and shoot directly at the chest of the goalie when he gets a chance. This kid makes me cry I wish he’d FIL the net at some point.

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