@Canucks de Vancouver

Tony Gallagher sur le départ sans victoire et la propriété des Canucks

Le membre du Temple de la renommée du hockey, Tony Gallagher, s’est joint à nous pour partager ses réflexions sur le départ sans victoire et la propriété des Canucks.


  1. Vancouver hockey media was at its finest when the GMAN was keeping things honest.

  2. i for once agree with gallagher. The whole hiring of the managers was a show with women to say look how diverse we are. It did nothing to solve the problems on the blueline. Thats been the problem and now we sit with AHL defense trying to be regulars and the whole team looks like fools. Defense , Defense , Defense how many times do you have to spell it out. Clowns.

  3. i've never forgiven tony for his yellow journalism. obviously he has great knowledge but treated pat quinn with his personal vandetta.

  4. I remember Dan Russell used to blast Tony Gallagher's commentaries on his radio show, and I personally found Tony's articles in the province to be too harsh on the Canucks back in the day as well, but good to hear his voice now, and good to know that he seemed to have quite a level of respect for Dan Russell. The likes of Russell, Gallagher, David Pratt, and of course Donnie, were what made my youthful days following sports fun.

  5. nothing really changes unless Aquilini sells the team.

  6. I'll never in a million years get his love affair with Gillis after the goaltender bungling fiasco but I love Tony anyways. He is awesome. You're talkin' to Tony. More Tony!

  7. Aquilinis actually aren't so great business wise. Sure they own a lot of properties because daddy bought them all but a lot of their business are run poorly and they are absolutely terrible to work for. Their reputation in this city is absolute shit.

  8. I recall Dan Russell use to have a caller called "The Pauser" and it would take him 5 times longer than a normal person to say anything, but he was hilarious and a voice of reason. I use to get pissed off when Dan would cut off "The Pauser" for probably swearing on air and ban him from the show "penalty box" for a period of time.

  9. Please replace drance with Tony so refreshing. He's the voice we need to bring us through this canucks debacle

  10. He loves himself some Gillis.

    If Gillis was such a good GM he wouldn’t still be unemployed a decade later.

    Most outside Vancouver hockey people think Very low of Gillis. They think he is a weasel from how he got the job in the first place. And they look at how the majority of the team was put together by Burke and Nonis who both are well liked around the league.

  11. Don't buy tickets to support the owners. They'll get the message and restructure next year.

  12. I think it’s a bit early to call the Rutherford management group a failed virtue signalling mess. He’s yet to put his stamp on the team in a major way. I’m a bit shocked he hasn’t at least made a significant move to shake up that dressing room. The team is mentally locked in on not being able to close a game out in the 3rd right now. Something needs to be done to take their minds off losing, and there is no time to waste or they mays well start purposely tanking for a high pick. I believe they need to unload a significant piece. Petterson probably gets you back the biggest return in such a move. If you’re looking to bolster that D corps, he’s the guy you deal. Let’s face it, the Canucks are a cream puff team to play against right now…..And it starts with Petey.

  13. Say what you want about Mike Gillis, but if the Canucks had stayed healthy in the Finals in 2011, we might not be having this conversation right now. That's the difference between winning in 7 and losing in 7. People remember all the contracts that Gillis signed that aged horribly, but most teams who are contenders have those eventually. The difference is, if you win, it softens the blow considerably. The problem is that they didn't win and it was a steep decline from there, with a bunch of contracts that were hard to get out of and an ownership group that wanted to get back to the Finals immediately, at the expense of the future. When that didn't work, the cupboard was bare, so coaches and management were terminated. Then Benning and Co came in, with the exact same mandate and the results were exactly the same. Hopefully now, Rutherford and Co have the courage to do what's required and rebuild this team from the bottom up, if necessary. The biggest challenge there is the fact that there's a flat cap and most teams are up against it, so it's a lot more difficult to sell off assets without giving up futures. You're basically stuck with the team that you have, hope to draft well and rebuild that way, because you won't get much for older players anymore. Cap space is worth everything now. The contenders are all up against the Cap, and the only teams with space are bottom feeders who will want something for taking on your big contracts. Gone are the days of selling expensive contracts and getting a decent return for them. Now, you literally have to pay to free up the space. It's a very different NHL right now and long term, if teams like Arizona and others can build their teams properly and quickly enough, they'll vault all of the teams that generate all the revenue because they're stuck with all of these expensive, long term deals they can't get out of.

  14. Ownership has bad GM and add in the management that are not proven then over paid hockey players that don't play a full 60 minutes
    Yet fans are frustrated..And new GM did not get D men that this team needed ..This is why our team sucks
    Never ending rebuild grrr

  15. the JT miller deal will hamstring this team for years.. its worse than Skinners contract.

  16. So glad all these rookie administrators are making their learning mistakes with the Canucks so that they can have successful careers elsewhere.

  17. I hope you have Tony on again. He definitely was one of my favorite media writers/sports person's.

  18. last season Travis Green recognized the teams defensive shortcomings and put in a structure to address these shortcomings. So fire him and do nothing to address these needs. One year later we have a club that does not play with a defensive structure, we are no further ahead. Maybe worse off.

  19. when Tony says “virtue signalling” he means that it’s bad that they hired women and do land acknowledgments.

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