@Canucks de Vancouver

John Shannon sur une reconstruction pour les Canucks, Patrik Allvin et plus

L’analyste de la LNH John Shannon s’est joint aux gars pour partager ses réflexions sur s’il est temps de reconstruire les Canucks, ce que Patrik Allvin a dit hier et plus encore.


  1. Poor take by Shannon on this one. Canucks fans know that we have NOT done a rebuild. We've done the bare minimum to squeak into playoffs for the past 10 years and have failed miserably. Canucks fans want to see this team pick a direction and move towards it.

  2. It's time for Shannon to Retire, He's lost it. Canuck fans are tired of the same old b.s. from the Canucks. Kill it and Rebuild it.

  3. Someone educate this dinosaur that a Proper rebuild means: trading for draft picks, having more than the allotted 7 draft picks that every team gets, weaponizing cap space, etc.

  4. John is right, not doing a rebuild. that makes no sense. Already have the young core, change some pieces, fix the defense.

  5. John Shannon brings sanity to the Canucks state of affairs. Kudos to you John for telling like it is. Honesty is virtuous in the media business, cuz there ain't much of it. Selling doom and gloom for the media is like selling tickets in sports, what ever sells your product is what folks are likely to do Thanks.

  6. nobody realizes what a rebuild mean. It probably means 7-10 years of doormats for the canucks if that happens. It wont happen as ownership would never let us be the doormat that long and fans would complain big time. We need to get rid of the forwards and bring in DEFENSE its been a problem for 10 years.

  7. Can't go for it with OEL's contract playing the way he is. Gotta rebuild through his contract years and be ready to explode the year its done.

  8. I have heard some brush aside the idea that personalities and chemistry are a problem. I have played on teams and worked for companies where personalities and chemistry DESTROYED what should have been successful organizations. I do not know who plays what role but there have been all sorts of rumblings about "internal problems". I think if you take a dispassionate view and look at this you have to at least consider there are chemistry issues. Individually some decent even good players but together it is not and really has not worked {read play off appearances}. It is for this reason I believe several "pieces" need to be moved out with a LOT MORE consideration put on the character/personality of new players being added.

  9. c'mon, john. you know better! they haven't done anything close to a rebuild here. they have been over paying for bottom 6 forwards trying to drag this team into the playoffs so aquilini could have 2 playoff game paydays for the last 10 years. and there WAS a time when the lions were a bigger draw than the canucks. i was living here john. you were in some cubicle in toronto.

  10. Bo Horvat has got to be thinking about an exit. He's a proud father and the Aquilini child abuse allegations have got to be an issue for the captain. Plus the years of constant struggles, on the ice, have got to be wearing on #53. Cap space needed to address the blue line deficiencies are in play after the Miller contract was signed too. As for a full on rebuild in Vancouver? These ticket prices will not fly with a Linden style rebuild. (Cap apparently going up by at least $4M for 2023-24 season.) And imagine if Aquilini had ever built something to rebuild!? Ownership needs to be changed for this ship to be righted. Aquilini unethically bought a cup contender and it's been all downhill ever since!

  11. John is delusional. I tend to not watch when johns talking but i thought maybe….nope.

  12. Re-tool or re-build, one thing is certain – this version of the Canucks, even when healthy, has a defensive group that is not strong enough to shut down good or even average NHL teams when Demko is not playing lights out; it has a forward crew that gets pushed around and cannot answer the bell; it has a bunch of players that tend to be too cute in their plays rather than getting into the dirty areas, forechecking, taking slashes, etc., to manufacture an ugly goal. To me, the "blame" to all these problems lie first with management not assembling the proper team, then to players playing below their capacities, then finally to the coach not helping players develop their skills. I don't know how much the Aquaman is interfering with management decisions, but Rutherford and Allvin, and the rest of the management group must figure out something, and players need to let their pride kick in to do more… seven losses in a row, last in the NHL, we are all embarrassed.

  13. Trading prospects and picks for Miller and a Toffoli rental isn't a "rebuild". They've never done a proper rebuild under Benning. He drafted less and lower than if he had just held pat, and regularly would trade away picks and prospects for veterans. There was maybe 1.5 years that he was actually committing to the proper understanding of a rebuild and even then he seemed allergic to picks. For a GM whose best quality was supposedly his drafting, he sure as hell refused to ever do that. If we're out of a rebuild, how the hell is it that we have such a decimated prospect pool?

  14. Hey guys, great to see Tony Gallagher on your show, this week. Love to hear from Donnie's old buddy Dave Pratt too.

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