@Ligue nationale de hockey

Alors, c’est ça d’être un fan des Leafs ?

Alors, c’est ça d’être un fan des Leafs ?



  1. LowertownLizard

    Leafs fans should never bet on the leafs, here’s why…

    Odds are set based on how people are betting. The house wants 50 50, so they adjust odds to try and get there.

    The Dallas Cowboys are so popular, way more delusional homers throw their money away betting on them. Because of this, the odds are always skewed where the Cowboys have better odds than reality, lower payouts when they win.

    Leafs have a similar but smaller effect.

    Heck, you can probably make good money always betting against the Cowboys, Leafs, Lakers, Yankees, and their artificially inflated odds to win.

  2. BearDaaaaaahn

    Rookie mistake you only bet on the leafs when they play a good team, they love to play down to their opponent and make us all sad as fuck

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