@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité d’après-match de DJ Smith – 29 octobre 2022

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith après le match de ce soir contre les Panthers de la Floride.


  1. Sens win 4 straight games, then Zaitsev enters the line-up and we lose 2 straight. Interesting correlation…

  2. Injury to Zub pretty much confirms the defense is paper thin. Need a shut down d-man that plays physical, too many soft guys on the back end. Maybe it's time to go out and get an actual DEFENSEmen if this continues.

  3. We need a real coach, playing Chabot almost 30mins is unacceptable when Sanderson is playing so well.

  4. This is such a joke, Pinto played like 13 minutes, while zaitsev played 19. Fire DJ Smith

  5. Like I have been saying since forever we need that top 4 D-Man. Zaitsev is just not good period. Plus the team needs to work together if they want the wins. No excuses, just play better instead of playing catch-up hockey. 100%

  6. Ça va mal dormir à soir hein DJ ?!? Norris, Zub on rajoute tu Debrincat ?!? Vous avez perdu le momentum ça urge de le retrouver. Vous êtes capables, gardons espoir et on gagne les prochaines plus droit à l'échec. On avance!!! GO SENS GO XXX

  7. I like DJ but if he is going to play zaitsev more than 14 minutes. I'm done. He's gotta go. The decision making is just fucked

  8. I do see improvements this year, but we won’t make the playoffs, for one thing we can’t win a game on the road opposite of red blacks winning at home, another thing is the defense, so no playoffs for a 6th strate year and counting.

  9. Sens win 4 straight: No one says anything positive about coaching.

    Sens lose 2 straight: Everyone wants DJ to get fired.

  10. Why are people on DJ? Bottom line when you have a player on the ice when he shouldn’t be and a player playing to many minutes that’s on the coach. He decides who plays and for how long.

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